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About Carrion

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/20/1980

Additional Information

  • Airsofter since
    96, first game, 98 full time
  • Toy collection
    a Clone M3super 90 long and 36 shells . reloading mags in game is for fools.

    a TM socom NBB pistol of silent death and 6 mags

    on the way, a MC51 RIS/toruch light grip and 7 hicaps. because reloading mags in game is for fools

    HAVE owened more guns tha permited characters
  • Most likely to say
    you muppet
  • Country
    United Kingdom

Contact Methods

  • MSN
  • Website URL
  • ICQ

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    airsofting, milsim , military history, military engineering, engineering in general. making stuff with machinery, military vehicles . all things russian, making chavs look more stupid than normal with common scense<br />plotting my evil plan with henchmen whilst yellow jumpsuited minions fetch my beer

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  1. i just wate for marlowe to put up the pics of all of his crashes.
  2. now as a long standing member of arnies i am yet to see a high impact level of porn spamming of the forum by automated bots. if any occurs that is as i cant remember seeing anything like it even being on the forum for a minute let alone being shuffled off to oblivion. i am a member on another forum which today alone had 8 porn bots sign up spamming theads and creating them and not just the clicy clicky link kind this was all up with embded video and images and thats a pretty average load. now if its ok to ask what exactly is arnies doing so right to prevent this happening? t
  3. get one of these http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=68...DPKiSrAK51um5DA i recorded the video whilst snorkling. this was in about 8 -10 inches of water in alot of surf right next to the shore. as lion fish go this one was pretty cool about things for about 10 miutes despite me swiming through his bait ball as he was hunting. after i stopped recording and snapped some piccies he decided to warm me off with a threat display which i got a nice piccie of then left him to it. and went hunting for a black moray which was around there. he hunted in the same place ever
  4. staack can you tell me if the danish have a m84 bandanna? as thats realy the only headcovering i like to wear with a loudout and i cant find one anywhere. also what part of demark are you from? i know quite a few people from sindal
  5. oddly i have just finishing building a danish m84 rig. m84 bdus and boonie, and a molle vest with 2X tripple mag pouches, a small hydration carrier used as a socom holster , a grenade pouch for a BFG, a SAW pouch for a utility pouch, 2 X twin pistol pouches for socom mags and ill be getting a large hydration carrier for the back when i get saround to it., not based around a set loadout i know but then again im not in the forces so i carry what I need to airsoft not what i would need to fight for days on end
  6. yes "proof" the ultimatle in internet bingo. I IS GOT A TOTALY RANDOM PICTURE WHICH I FOUNDZ ON THE INTERWEBZ SO IT MUST BE TRUEZ even tho said picutre of a guy i dpm holding a hkXXX is infact the guy doing the field trials. most squadies i have met modify there kit to what suits them and to what they can get away with in unit.
  7. jesus the waltness is rising here., any more and ill need wings to avoid it. more importantly is it realy that import ant to people. sewriously have you not got any other life AT ALL to be going on with? ok misfit hasnt but the rest of you should blooddy grow up and accept that airsofts a game and you can do what you want its no0t the realy real world where being shot makes you have aterminal case of death. *fruitcage* walt muppets
  8. Heh heh... for waving your M3 shottie about and shouting "Squeal Piggie!" in a redneck voice :D

  9. 1 young guy at front to old guy at front. bugger me all thi straining has made me ###### me kecks old guy. welcome to old age this is why i never smile. 2 guy at front suprise airborn butsehxs FTW
  10. i too would like this even if it just allows me to put an update into it
  11. i have noticed that if you read PMs very shortly after they are sent to you yu dont get a notification.
  12. personaly i feel that its far to pastely maybe due to the backgropund or personal taste also the sword arm looks shorter than the one holding the skull that said if you interested in helping me with a tatto design i want then feel free pm me. you can use any designs for your work gratis
  13. hmmm but wont that put new members off? yes some newbies are annoying but that said some older users are annoying as well. all it takes is a gentle persuasion to get them to comply with established methods and its all fine
  14. look its all going to end in tears like it did last time.
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