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British anti-knife commercial


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You don't need to conceal it if you have it lying around on the ground nice and handy. Bricks look innocuous as well. ;)


The problem with Stop and Search is that it can lead to the guys that would be carrying either passing the weapon onto a younger gang member (particularly underage) to hold for them until they need it or merely placing it nearby but close enough to get too (as drug dealers in the US do with their guns whilst standing on the 'corners').

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But then the problem with no 'stop and search' is that it's easy to carry with impunity until the blade is used.


Really, comparing a brick to knife is a bit weak.




I never said no stop and search. However wholesale stop and search is likely to result in massive issues both in terms of civil liberties and in the sort of transference I mentioned above. Placed somewhere in between where it's targeted either on known intelligence or randomly once in a while acts both as a deterrent and will actually catch people you want to catch in the act.


More violent crime is committed by unarmed criminals or those armed with blunt instruments than knives. If you look at murder alone, sharp instruments were only used in 35% of the 700 odd murders that occurred in the last year.


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Stealth: I'm more of a software guy, but those are things I'll do just to sweeten the deal for my customers. They remember that I did the job and then cleaned their computer and helped organise the clutter of wires beneath their desk, and installed more memory because they couldn't be bothered or were afraid of doing it themselves. The same goes for optical drives. If I know I'm going to be pulling chips, using thermal paste ((Or at least more than I carry in my pocket when going to jobs, which is admittedly only a small amount, but that's all I usually ever need, if I need any at all)), or using a multimeter, then I carry them in a tool case. In that case, the multitool goes in the tool case too. But since I don't usually need them, I don't usually carry them.


Delfi: My cousin carries a brick in her purse, and has used it to defend herself. It's definitely 'concealed' as I didn't know it was there until she had reason to use it on somebody. Of course, in the interest of full-disclosure, she lives in the U.S., specifically Las Vegas, but then again, her reason for carrying it could be valid for any woman living in a place where they might be assaulted ((In her case by drunk party kids on their vacation, one of whom went home with quite the bruise, let me tell you.)).


I suppose I don't have any cases where I've needed to use my knife in public, but I have needed to carry it through public to get from one private location to another. I'm not saying it doesn't happen though, I'm just saying it hasn't happened to me. And I don't really think that my multi-tool isn't a valid example, because I could both replace my multitool with the tools and a similar locking bladed knife, which means that they have similar utility, and because my multitool has all of the same features which make a similar knife dangerous.


I don't think taking away the knives would be a suitable answer to the problem of knife-crime. If you take away the knives, then it becomes 'Bat-Crime' or 'Rebar-Crime' or 'Fisticuffs'. Take away the impetus for violence, and then you've solved the problem. No one ever talks about taking away cars in response to drunk driving, or taking away alcohol for that matter.

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Delfi: My cousin carries a brick in her purse, and has used it to defend herself. It's definitely 'concealed' as I didn't know it was there until she had reason to use it on somebody. Of course, in the interest of full-disclosure, she lives in the U.S., specifically Las Vegas, but then again, her reason for carrying it could be valid for any woman living in a place where they might be assaulted ((In her case by drunk party kids on their vacation, one of whom went home with quite the bruise, let me tell you.)).

That sounds like it might be mildly effective. I know this is none of my business, but have you suggested that your cousin consider getting a concealed pistol license? She does live in a mildly dangerous city, and since licensed concealed carry is legal in Nevada, it might be a viable option for her. A gun safety class usually only costs about $75 (give or take), and makes a great birthday present. They will teach her the basics about safety, concealment, the law, stance, etc, as well as let her shoot a little. You don't have to own a gun to take a class, and of course it does not obligate her in any way to choose that line of defense, but it does help her to get familiar with the idea. She may not decide that it is the right option for her, but I would recommend anyone to at least look into it before brushing the idea asside, especially when they live in a shady neighborhood (*cough*vegas*cough*).

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Jesus! That's a freaking scary knife! At first I thought the story must be a satire making fun of the stories that attack hollowpoint bullets, or maybe just a joke all together. Now I know to take anything from that site with a grain of salt, but just thinking about being attacked with that sends shivers up my spine.


On the other hand, I must have one :D .... if I ever decide to take up diving.



BTW, Bears? What kind of an idiot faces off with a bear with only a knife and a bottle of CO2? That's like carrying a syringe in case you want to run up and tranquilize a bear by hand. I don't think even Steve Irwin would have thought that was a good idea.

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Delfi: She's not old enough for a concealed-carry license. Or to own a gun for that matter.


PunkyPink: No she doesn't have more developed muscles on the one side, because she's using it as a flail it's remarkably easy to use, not requiring much force at all. The brick goes into a side pocket, which is padded ((I don't know if it was made for carrying bricks, or if she modified it to suit.)) and her stuff doesn't seem to get beat up at all.


Because she does ballet, she never has time for anything outside of school and getting together with friends on weekends, otherwise I'd tell her to consider some self-defense courses. Or at least I would have before she clubbed that guy - she was ferocious - and now I'm quite certain she could take care of herself in most cases.



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