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*really* silly warnings... i struggled with this one..


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Getting essential supplies from sainsburys (IIRC) I was gobsmacked to find this warning...




Needless to say my lady found it amusing enough to write to durex and tell them how much heating up condoms in the microwave made sex better... we're still waiting on a response.



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i like the quote on the pack there stating "No method of Contraception can give you 100% protection against pregnancy, HIV or sexually Transmitted Infections" They should also add "Durex will not be held responsible for any burns on genitals caused by leaving Nodders in Microwave for longer than the alloted amount of time"

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No worries, glad you enjoyed it.


Here's the letter my lady wrote:


Dear J,




I would like to draw your attention to this photo (http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b220/sianl/DoingItWrong.jpg) taken yesterday at a branch of J Sainsburys in Beeston, Nottingham. First of all I would like to thank you for the initial amusement it caused as I originally believed the sticker had been placed there in error, it was my belief that microwaving contraceptives of any kind would be prohibitive to its affects. However, on taking the advice given, by first removing the security protection and then microwaving the protection itself (650W, 4 mins, leave to stand for 2, then a further 2 minutes on 800W) I found the following intercourse to be considerably enhanced by the resulting warmth allowing my sexual partner and I to indulge in some acts which had never ventured to encounter before. Once again I would like to thank you, as I did to him. Five times. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you.




Yours faithfully,


Sian Westall


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We got a reply:




Dear Ms Westall


Thank you for your email. I am sorry the security labelling on the Durex Featherlite condoms you bought from our Beeston store is misleading. I understand your concerns that if the instructions are followed, it may prohibit the effectiveness of the product.




We are committed to clear and accurate labelling of everything we sell. We want to provide all the information our customers need to make an informed choice. It is important to us that everything we print is completely accurate and we know that any mistakes do look unprofessional. We are grateful to you for pointing out this error.




I have spoken to Dean Ellis, the Security Manager, about your email. Dean told me the labels have been placed on this product in error. Dean has now removed all remaining stock from the shelves. The incorrect labels will be replaced with the correct ones before they are returned in to stock.




Thank you for taking the time to contact us. I hope everything you buy from us in the future is labelled as you would expect it to be.


Kind regards


Pippa Barnes

Customer Manager




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