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New Apple Macbook


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Protip; This came from the Onion a website renouned for it's political (Amoungst other subjects) satire. Plus as if Mac would be stupid enough to do something counter productive anyway


This new IMac is the bee's knees!



this post was purchased from the apple i-messages store

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geese, i thought this was real for a second. i was thinking that anyone who bought one would need to go eat a radioactive sandwich.

let me share a few quotes:

"19 minutes of battery life"

"45 minutes to send his friend an e-mail"

"couldn't be simpler" (whats more *fruitcage* simpler than pressing the designated key?)

"everything is just a few hundred clicks away"

40 gigs for $10,000!?!

"virtually unbreakable unless dropped or hit"


this is just hilarious!

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Well, I'm just waiting for the day when computer gaming doesn't require a machine that costs as much as a used car, or intimate knowledge of the inner works of that machine and endless tweaking experimentation until you get it to run just right.

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Obvious humour is still invisible to the oblivious.


This post brought to you from linux; IE, a decent operating system that isn't the computing equivalent of burbery.

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Well, I'm just waiting for the day when computer gaming doesn't require a machine that costs as much as a used car, or intimate knowledge of the inner works of that machine and endless tweaking experimentation until you get it to run just right.


You've obviously never owned a PC.

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