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What is the right amount of airsoft guns?


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I'm going to fly completely off topic here...


How come there are guys who joined the forum 3 months later than me, who have a higher member rating??? Is it to do with the number of posts or what?


Oh, and on the subject of airfort guns, it's my personal ambition to own all of them :)


1: Yeah. They post more and are more active

2: What the friggin' hell is an airfort gun?


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Listen, I've got an ICS mp5 too, and sure I'm thinking of buying another AEG in the future, but how much airsoft do you play?


You are propably not even 18 years old, so you shouldn't be doin' this stuff(unless it's legal where you live, it's not here...), and if you skirmish once a month, then how reasonable is it to save up money from 3-4 months to get you a gun that you will use once every month?


Especially as you already have a skirmishable AEG(if you get it fixed), I have to say that you should be really careful about this buy, 'cause it does not seem to be a necessary one.


When I bought my AEG I needed it to hand with my friends, and thanks to luck I had had a GREAT summer without spending a lot of money, so I had quite a surplus of money, and after a month of looking around stores I found what I thought would be the most reliable and skirmishable gun availible, for the best price in the country.


An MP5 SD with folding stock, version three.



think it over before you buy, think it over, don't feel it over.

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Im 14 as well, and Ive got no problems with my airsoft guns with my mum. Ive got 2 rifles, 2 pistols and a classic mp5 (jac). As long as i use my own money and dont bug her with buying a gun for me, its alright with her!

PS: I live in Hong kong, and airsoft is WAY more popular here than paintball, so my mum doesn't have any excuse at all! What more, my friends all play airsoft!!

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The right amount of Airsoft guns is "never enough"...

Given that I got into Airsoft in July IIRC and I have four AEGs, four sidearms and a Maruzen Shotshell Shotgun... I've spent close to four thousand pounds on it now, I'm doing the engineering work on a proper side opening AG36 and I'm looking for the next purchase as I type (gotta love tabbed browsers), Dynatec blankfire grenades and a red dot to coaxial mount on my G36's G&P scoped carry handle...

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Beening a "Noob", I'd have to hazard a guess.  If your on a budget, I recon you're gonna need at least 1 rifle and a 1 sidearm - would that be fair to say?


Screw the sidearm, just get something like the G36C or P90 that's useful for everything. That way you'll massively cut down on costs, through not needing a pistol.

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Screw the sidearm, just get something like the G36C or P90 that's useful for everything. That way you'll massively cut down on costs, through not needing a pistol.


The reason he'd need a pistol is for backup, meaning that when he's out of primary ammo or his P90 or G36 jams, he just pulls out his wee lil' M9 and stop poppin' away with that.

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yep. one of my friends mooched off of me for about 3 months, so badly that i went through about 4000 BBs a week, mainly fired by him. then, when I told him that he couldn't use my stuff he accused me (while wearing my vest and holding my AK) of not sharing my airsoft stuff. so, i bought him a uhc 1911.

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No offense, but does she play either? I'd guess not. Reverse that so it reads...

"everyone is switching to airsoft, and leaving paintball"

and you'd be MUCH closer to the mark...

You can never have too many! My cousin spends thousands on his mountain bike - he likes it, I couldn't be less bothered. Same applies here - if you enjoy airsoft, then spend money on it if you want. No-one else can dictate to you what your interests and hobbies are!


You took the words right out of my mouth. My sister doesnt want me to buy me a p230 for christmas cuz she says i have "like five of em". I do actually have five, but two of em are broken so i just have two springers and a mini mp5... then im ordering a new gun for xmas off the internet... but yea, you cant have too many guns, and if you think you do, well then thats what ebays for. ;)

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