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G&G Ak103


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Wii.. I knew they were bringing it out.. I'm so getting that.. :D


One odd thing.. on www.guay2.com they say it fires 80-90 m/s ..

But they report 330 fps for the Rk104, while Marlowe's one (before it stopped working :P ) did around 355 from the box.

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Marlowe's 104 is the only one I know off that has broken down..


My teammate's 104 is a lovely gun, I played with it for a day and I love it, but since I prefer long Ak's , the 103 is just the gun for me, some 74 style midcaps and a ribbed top cover and voila.. a latemodel Ak-74 :D

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I mailed to G&G, asking about the FPS and when it's available (I preordered one from WGC):


we once use the 100m/sec spring on the RK104s(and the rk104 acutrally perform about 110m/sec),  but due to different countries' laws, we now have reduced ALL

our airsoft gun's velocity to 80-90m/sec, in order to meet different countries' requirement.


we will ship out to WGC about middle of the April 


R&D Engineer

Henry Ko


But we know the internals can take a higher spring so all that needs replacing is the spring. Not a big problem. ;)

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Hmm. There's something that has been bothering me lately in terms of retailers.

Why is it that WGC is able to get AEG's earlier than any other dealer? Don't dealers like AEX, AirsoftGI, and Airsoft atlanta import the guns themselves? How exactly does this work? I'm just at a loss as to why one would import a gun from WGC, when a retailer based in North America can get it here without Customs violations...

Also, what's the deal with shipping at WGC? How much does it cost? It is never listed...

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Since the Hong Kong retailers are in closer proximity and buy in somewhat larger bulk than the US retailers, they tend to get them a little quicker than their US counterparts. As well, as the HK dealers have had longer to build the relationships with the actual wholesalers in Japan, like Sanken, which many of them go through, they have somewhat of a 'jump' on the competition.


Often if you want to see what is 'right around the corner' as far as being on the retailers shelves, check Sankens 'Coming Soon' page-




Also some US retailers are partners with the HK retailers so they are part of their supply chain.


As far as WGC or DEN or most of the other HK retailers shipping costs, you simply have to place an order inquiry and they will advise you of current stock and shipping costs.






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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Exactly one month later, and no US impored at AEX, AirsofGI, and the like...


What's going on? Would you guys advise that I wait for the "domestic" release in North America? Or just order from WGC's infinite stock? (Honestly, they've had it in stock the entire month!)

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I know of at least one person in the US who ordered one and received it from overseas, but honestly I'd wait for ASGI to get it (they get G&G before anyone else).


*edit - if you're in Canada, I don't know who the G&G distributor there is, sorry.

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