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Global Warming at its best.


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Global Warming = snow in April. To me, it is unprecedented because I live in NYC and it is super rare to see snow in April. (Latest I remember was one in March of 2003) I mean its spring and it snowed. It should be raining. Even worse, the flakes were at least the size of soda bottle caps. Some were as big as a cellphone. o.O No joke. My friends thought the world was ending.


Sorry for the so-so quality, from my friends cell phone. Taken in Jamaica, Queens on April 5, 2006 ~12:05 pm EDT.





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I got some weird stuff this morning, too.


This morning when I got into the car to drive to work it was 50-ish and pleasant outside. By the time I got to route 82 the sky was dark. Then it started raining a little. A couple miles later, the raindrops turned big and fat. I was stopped at a stop sign and it started hailing on my car - Small hailstones, about the size of BB's. Then the hail turned into driving sleet that started freezing on the metalwork of my car. The outside temperature dropped like a rock to 32 on the nose and everything fogged up. Visibility was about 45 yards when I was just getting to Ercildoun. By the time I had gotten to the top of the hill the sleet was mostly turned to snow, and I noticed that in the past ten minutes or so we'd accumulated about half an inch of hail/sleet/snow.


By the time I got to the office, maybe ten minutes and three or four miles later all the precipitation had stopped. The ouside temp. went up by about five degrees on the spot, and by the time I stuck my key in the door of the office nearly everything had melted.


Now it's 46 and the sun is out.


Must be them aliens again or something.

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Around 10:00 this morning, we had white-out conditions in central New jersey. It was quite a shock, since it just looked like rain at first...then slow rain, then white rain. Eventually, there were huge clumps of snowflakes coming down (like an inch or more in diameter). By the end of the snow (around noon), about an inch accumulated on the ground and roads.


But it's already all melted, around 40* F and sunny. What an enjoyably odd day. :P

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milton keynes :D we got snow, we got hail, we got chavs too  :(
Shame it wasnt the golfball or grapefruit sized hail that happens in the US sometimes, catch a few chavs out vandalising the bus stop or local park and blam :D

Weathers been nice down here, last two days has been clear blue skies, still a little chilly for this time of year though.

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The effects may still be carrying on, of course, and there are plenty of other things going on.


Fact is though, increases in the Earth's temperature like this have happened may times before in the past few million years, and looking back through records acquired from ice cores and the like, we SHOULD be near the peak of another rise. Funnily enough, records show that warming technically ended in 1998, which would fit the pattern perfectly.


Also rather interestingly, the past rises in temperature have often be accompanied by rises in CO2 levels (with a slight lag). No idea why, but the research is there.

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Something i find strange. (geography student btw, doing global warming atm) In 1960. The peak of industry in the western world. there was a rapid dip in global temperatures. now if we were causeing, or having severe effects on the temperature with our activities, surely this would have only increaced? We have not yet reached the average global temperature historically. and are still recovering from the Hibernian ice age 10000 years ago. the south of england is sinking and north riseing due to isostatic rebound due to the weight of the ice being removed fromthe plate... its a facinating topic, but something we are yet to understand...

(you can tell im not in the 'zomg!!111 banzor all 4x4s and live in mud huts coz it am enviromnentally friendly' camp :D

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Scientifically, yes. The heating up of earth will cause in the melting of both polar ice caps. That would mean an increase in fresh water in the salt water oceans. Fresh water in salt water is not good. That extra fresh water would cause a shift or destruction of the Gulf steam that warms up the Northern Hemisphere, including most of New England, Canada, Western Europe, and the UK. That means temperatures would start to drop, thus new ice age and snow.


FYI (From Popular Mechanics Magazine, May 2006, Vol 183 #5):


"Over the past 30 years, the Earth has warmed by 1.08 degrees F, according to NASA, making 2005 THE WARMEST YEAR ON RECORD. That might not sound like much - a standard 1500-watt space heater can easily warm your living room. But artificially warming the Earth by 1.08 degrees F would take 272 BILLION SPACE HEATERS. That adds up to 42 HEATERS FOR EVERY HUMAN ON THE PLANET." (Direct copy, including CAPS and colors.)

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