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yeesh, can people stop bashing Artkis and webtex?


No, i have owned kit from both companies and it always breaks. My Arktis jungle vest broke in the jungle and my web-tex copy of the issue assault vest broke on exercise on Salisbury plain. I've only recently had to throw away a web-tex camelbak ripoff as the internal bag split (bought it cos it was cheap). It broke after one skirmish.


My issued webbing is over 5 years old now and i have only ever had to replace one ammo pouch.


Arktis and Webtex deserve all the bashing they get.



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I'm gonna weigh in here. I must admit to not using Web-tex. I stay away from it because it has a bad reputation for falling apart - and reputations, good or bad, are earned, they don't happen by accident. I personally use the Arktis Sigma vest, and the only drawback I've found with it is that getting out from behind the wheel of a Land Rover in a hurry is rather problematic when it's fully loaded. Other wise it rawks.


As for Viper kit - Stay well clear. I've spoken to the Web-Tex man himself and after I'd finished bashing their assault vest he told me that viper kit is lower quality than Web-tex made specifically for the airsoft market. Tragically I keep seeing serving soldiers using Viper gear because it's cheap. I think Web-tex is fine for airsoft, but nothing more testing, and with viper being lower quality than that, leave well alone.


But I've digressed wildly. Getting back to the MLCE vest, it's Web-tex, so I'll be leaving well alone. I can tell it's poorly designed just by looking at a picture of it.

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In what context did your gear "break"?


Pouches ripped off the Arktis vest as i took my bergan off. I didnt even take it of quickly, it just tore off a utility pouch as i put it down.


All three clips on the front of the web-tex vest snapped off on the same day, making it impossible to close at the front.



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I've used viper stuff before- no, its not the best of quality, but for what its being used for- ie: airsoft skirmishing, its perfectly ok.


in fact, its uber cheapness makes it more than ok in my eyes, but thats cos I'm cheap, and don't require my assault vests to last much more than a few months before I get a bit bored and move on to something else :)

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one thing to throw in about Viper: Theres a difference between Viper and Viper Modular! The standard Viper Gear ist craptacular and made by a third party manufacturer who also supplies Teesar in the US and MilTec in Germany.

I found the first runs of Viper Modular by far better then Webtex, especially the clips.

As our company imports the series to germany, ive seen the new, sand colored version too. And here its back to usual... Cheap WT clips... Sad...


First time I got in contact with Arktis was 10 years ago, when the Arktis M84 rig was very popular among german soldiers. My customized M84 is about 6 Years old, never failed me in any way.

But I have seen newer vests by arktis, which I didnt believed its origin...

A quess might be that these are casualitys of the low-cost-must-save-for-xbox-generation.


By far the most superior, official issued gear I have seen is the british webbing, rig, bergen and kit. Very conservative, but rugged and well-designed.

I recently got my hands on 2 Setz od OD 90 Pattern Webbing, which served for 5 years in the german(!) army and im very happy with it after all!

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are highlander and viper the same company as they both make the same vests and sell them for the same price, 2 guys in my detachment have viper saavs and 1 guy has a highlander, theres no differene in the ###### quality at all.


when are ospreys going to be so widely issued, i could get one from my local surplus store for £40

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you sure it wasn't  the new body armour with assault vests over the top?  That has molle loops but us being british do not wear pouches on body armour!


Just wondering, if we arent gonna use MOLLE then whats the point of having the loops on it?


Is it something that was supposed to be used and they stuck with PLCE or is it somthing in place for the future? (seeming all these loops will have cost money to stitch on)

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Well that's gone full circle




We were at the start so I might as well make comment on this run.


We stock both Viper and Web-Tex and we sell a fair quantity of both Thatchreed have it made for them and it is all relativity cheap compared with some makes. Viper is lighter made of 600 cordura and Web-tex 1000.


We used to have one player on site who said Arktis was great and Web-tex ###### but when he finished working for Arktis changed his opinion, and said the Chinese factories were next door to each other.


We see a fair amount used on site, most of the players have bought a variety, and from what I have seen it wears well when used by Airsofters, we have sold to Army guys over a number of years and had no complaints back yet.


Some items from Thatchreed are substandard, but most are pretty well made, and where they do have defects, they are a firm you can speak to and make suggestions of how to improve things, when you do this you need to make allowance for the lead time involved in selling, changing designs and restock, and shipping.

An Example is the Web-tex Modular Vest , its come made to small for the larger person or to fit over other heavy kit. They realise and are making a Larger version you are always going to get problems relating design from the UK to factories in the Far East


We have had some shocking USA made BDUs and Thatchreed ACU apears very well made better than Bulle and on a par with BE Rooikat.

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Just wondering, if we arent gonna use MOLLE then whats the point of having the loops on it?


Is it something that was supposed to be used and they stuck with PLCE or is it somthing in place for the future? (seeming all these loops will have cost money to stitch on)



Since i made my last comment about the armour, the army has started to issue crappy MOLLEesque pouches for the osprey armour, which wobble about like nobodies business and are utter tripe.


Personally i'll just use my own MOLLE pouches when we deploy in May.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Well just thought id add seen as i've finally had a chance to test out my MLCE in a skirmish.

Good bit of kit in some respects, but i had the trouble of undoing the "buttons" that hold it together at the bottom when trying to open my mag holders. maybe i am being to violent just made it slightly difficult to change mag when i needed it lol

hope this helps someone, i would recommend it otherwise good bit of kit just seems slightly delicate for my impatient hands lol



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