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AUG A3 @ Airsoft World Pre-Order


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I wouldn't bother, it's no real improvement over the standard AUG A1. Plus it's very front heavy, which takes away the "pointability" of having a bullpup with all the weight in the rear.


Having said that, I think it looks better than the real steel A3, and of course, have the Action RAS kit as part of Project AUG:


A3esque 01

A3esque 02

A3esque 03

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Because that easily costs more than the gun itself, and then you have to spend another few hundred on a gun to put it on?


Cost and simplicity, mate. It's what's made half of these clones so succesfull ;)

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CA AUG A1, $288 from WGC.

Action RAS Kit, $230 from WGC.


Not a huge difference, admittedly.


What I don't understand is why anyone is making these, instead of just making a more accurate A3 replica. I suppose they're just being cheap.

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Because that easily costs more than the gun itself, and then you have to spend another few hundred on a gun to put it on?


Cost and simplicity, mate. It's what's made half of these clones so succesfull ;)

I think the point was more to do with people cheering cos this has "finally" appeared when, in fact, it's been available to anybody who truly wanted one for years.


Personally, I'd consider buying one, chopping off the rail and then trying to graft a G36c rail onto it to create a more authentic A3.

I have this on my "things to do" list but, TBH, it's not anywhere near the top. :(

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Er.... :blink:


The A3esque kit has been available for some time now.


It's made by Action and comes in a normal version (500mm inner barrel) and a "sniper" version, which throws any pretence of being an accurate replica out of the window.

Well all know that because you already said it once in this thread. Make sure to read peoples opinions before getting righteous. Note:

ACM prices make it worthwhile.

We also know your opinions on accuracy of replicas, so there's no need to keep on about it every time someone mentions an AUG.

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