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AirsoftGlobal has these in stock along with the ARES brand ones



was wondering if anyone has had a look at either of these and if they are any good



sorry if this is the wrong section, i posted in here because its a new product on that site



link???, pics??? would really help

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k sorry, should have done that to begin with














as you can see no real info on either of them so was hoping someone had had experiences with V-Tech scopes in general and/or the STAR version of the SUSAT since the ARES one is likely the same, maybe improved upon.

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If the Ares one is any thing like the star one (Which Ares made for them, if memory serves me well) have a search in the review section as am sure there are a few people who have had the star one and basically said its just for looks rather than practicality.

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the star eye relief is true to the original susat. its just that that isnt applicable for airsoft with eye protection.


that being said, i cant find man places in the UK that sell any susats of any brand, so hopefully this will reach our market and there will be sufficient stock. if not then its bye bye SA80 for me.

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aries = star, so that SUSAT will be beautifully made but utterly usless if you like keeping your eyesight by wearing a mask.


I'd like more info on the V-T if possible, i hope its a 4x scope with eye relief just a little further from the lens.

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Considoring army 85's come at ~50-60e here, putting twice the cash on a sight is just silly. The zoom isnt all that needed eighter, id settle for decent looking sight with tiny price tag and "aimpoint inside"

Thanks for the info on the star tho, sadly the market just got even smaller...

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