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The downsides of airsoft.


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when airsoft meets punk kids.....


I choke on water!!


did my face scare you?



team photoshop!


"you kids better not skate on the sidewalk!!"


I am an azn pimp in the army! look my golden bling bling!


on chrismas day, we celebrate and use airsoft gun to force ppl to celebrate x-mas!


ghillie suit are nice...


wat up! gangsta!!?

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Best loadout EVARRR!!!!! 


<insert dangerously huge image>



Man i wanna pink rifle. :P


Hey I have reported this thread to the moderators,


I did not give BigPhish permission to post pictures of me in this thread I am the one in his avatar too.



Please remove BigPhish


Ooo not good. :mellow:

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Whether or not you find other player's loadouts or appearances funny, you dont have any right to post "lolzorz look at teh peaple arnt they silli". Some photos might be ok to post up for a laugh (such as the hello kitty one as it is most likely done as a joke), rinsing the others isnt.


Its a sport for everyone to enjoy, regardless of what you think about how they look or what they use clothes / kit wise. Grow up.

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Hey I have reported this thread to the moderators,


I did not give BigPhish permission to post pictures of me in this thread I am the one in his avatar too.

Please remove BigPhish




Which am you Mike? :unsure: - They guy in the "Front page of a mag" cover thingy? :unsure:


And Bigphish - Are you sick?

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