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Everything posted by Sarge133

  1. I have no problem with Assault/DM as I can replace the tightbore with my stock CA M16 barrel and put my aimpoint on it and run it as a rifleman. I will copy the add here so you can read over it. I will also try to get the pictures hosted and put up. Up for sale is my G&P SR-25. This rifle last chronoed at 480 fps (measured with .20s) and was upgraded by Eagleone airsoft. This rifle has not been skirmished with and I have barely even shot it. Whole package includes G&P SR-25-$593.00 TSC 3-9X50E Illuminated Crosshair Scope-$70.00 Metal bipod-?? Shipping-$50.00 U
  2. I'm not sure what I want to do just yet. I spend most of my time being a rifleman. As for the add I dunno, it works just fine for me.
  3. Hey everyone. While we are the topic of SR25s (sorta). I just got an offer for an G&P SR25 full size. It comes with illuminated scope, bipod, silencer, rail covers, and is upgraded to shoot 480fps. Would this be a good trade for a bone stock VFC HK416? Also, is there any major problems with the G&P SR25? Here is a link to the traders SR25: http://www.airsoftretreat.com/classifieds/...964&cat=500 In the second picture the mag release and bolt catch seem to have been worn. Is this just because of the flash?
  4. No need. Spartan made an excellent one. I will try to get a few new artful pics up tomorrow of my HK.
  5. Mmm. USP. I will be getting one in a month or two. The KSC USP 45 with metal slide and two extra mags, thats gonna be my birthday present to myself. Mind making me one of my HK? I can pay you in generous amounts of cookies, or other favors.
  6. Haha yeah, best way to get one is go to UnCo and have them tape or putty over the trades. I've been able to see the VFC trades up close next to my HK trades. While they arn't quite as nice looking they are still beautiful on the rifle. If I hadn't been given the chance to buy mine I would've gotten the VFC trades one. I am still unsure about the sale though. Everytime I look at it I want to keep it. It's starting to grow on me like a good mold er...yeah. I may just keep it, after all I have an HK Opertator Polo coming in for work and a hat to go with it. Next up? HK Zippo. I think I may h
  7. I would if I had one. But between ACOG and EOTech. I have to say EOTech. To me ACOGs only look good on full size rifles.
  8. Best picture I have of one. It's real but you get the idea.
  9. My god. Both of those are beautiful rifles. I want one so bad.
  10. Very nice M4, wish I still had mine.
  11. Good ol' fashioned M16. No rails draping over the front end. I finally got around to taking updated pictures of my weapons. Something that hasn't been done in nearly 6 months.
  12. Looks great, the only critisism I can give is to wear the pistol grip more. If the weapon looks like that the pistol surely must be nearly back to its old black, right? Other than that it is a perfect job at artifical weathering.
  13. A couple pictures of the wear on my M16 from a year of play. Makes the rifle look great as a whole.
  14. My old faithful. CA M15. One year and 150,000+ bbs and still running strong. My new baby. VFC HK416.
  15. A couple updated pictures of my VFC HK416. Starting to look proper now. And the ever popular. FPS MODE! It even has HK trades on the Vertical Grip! No reposts from the old thread please. - Hoppum
  16. How would one of these compare to say, one of their HK416s? I'm trying to decide what I'd be better off with.
  17. So ebaybanned's MC is pretty much the same as real Crye material, just not licenced? I ask this because I was thinking about getting Tru-Spec uniform, Condor platecarrier or ebaybanned's CIRAS. Then from there building on it.
  18. The eyes scare the living **** out of me! Have to look really hard to tell its a 417 though.
  19. I feel your pain. I'd love to switch to Multicam. But I dont want to have to sell all of my ACU to do it. As if I did finally decide to go MC, I'd have to sell 99% of my kit to afford it. And that so much of it is dedicated towards ACU such as Foliage Green ESS Goggles. I am still trying to decide. Help anyone? What should I do? Make a huge ACU sale thread or stick with ACU and "MAYBE" start to peice together a MC kit?
  20. Do you strip the paint before repainting Souske? If not how in the world do you not have a quarter inch of paint on there!? Looks good, although I prefer the longer barrel M203 it still looks very nice.
  21. He was just joking Blarney, I think he knows that it's nowhere near DMR.
  22. It is supposed to be buckle in front, like a normal belt.
  23. Dang you guys, making me want to sell my HK416 to get a VFC SCAR! I don't know what I want more!
  24. Yeah really, I figured STAR of all people would make a 40mm option for us 416 people. I've sent both STAR and VFC an email about this, hopefully I can bring back good news.
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