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Leon Kennedy

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Everything posted by Leon Kennedy

  1. Don't worry, I nipped him for that in the other thread.
  2. Suddenly want an MBSS REAL BAD

    1. Leon Kennedy

      Leon Kennedy

      I got one so now I want SFLCS POUCHES REAL BAD

  3. That back plate needs to be sitting about 4-6" higher to protect your vitals. Here's a diagram; I love diagrams.
  4. Still need a charging handle, but whatever. I like how the light conditions change the paint's performance.
  5. No, meaning it's so dark you can't make out anything you're wearing.
  6. I need some honest opinions. Here's my Block II-ish build at the moment. I stripped the old paint off to repaint it, but I'm at an empasse. Should I: 1. Leave it as is. 2. Repaint the lower receiver only for a repurposed look. 3. Paint the entire thing. The only reason I'm weary about leaving it as-is is that the stripper pulled some of the finish off the aluminum. Edit: Sorry that this picture blows.
  7. Painted lower, painted whole, or flat black sprayed lower on my Mk18?

  8. Feedback appreciated. Here's two pictures of a pattern I'm contemplating doing my whole Mk18 up in. I ran out of brown, so final mix should have more and be darker overall. I'm tired of desert stuff since I don't play in the desert. I'm not sure if I want to paint the entire rifle or just the lower. I really did like what my last Block II rifle looked like when fully painted. OR paint the lower flat black.
  9. Considering painting the whole thing, but I'm not sure what pattern. Probably something between arid and urban, MOH style. Not sure if I can pull the trigger on covering up that rail. I need a front sight and charging* handle, I know. Thanks emp.
  10. Just go ahead and put the kitlist, because that looks sick.
  11. Quick question: are the Gen 1 PTS P-Mags as good as the current ones?

    1. aznriptide859


      Yea they are, why wouldn't they be?

    2. Leon Kennedy

      Leon Kennedy

      Well the design had to be changed for SOME reason, so I didn't know if it was a critical flaw or more aesthetics to match the RS ones.

    3. TheFull9


      That second bit.

  12. Taken by a friend on the side. My shemagh was all falling off from doing hitting the deck too many times.
  13. Had an awesome game today, 20+ KIAs and objectives completed. Mk18s rule.

  14. Has anyone ever seen ACM ESS NVG Profiles? I've seen a few turbofan replicas, but I'm questioning the legitimacy of some on eBay.

    1. TheFull9


      There'll be some somewhere, you can guarantee it.

    2. Leon Kennedy

      Leon Kennedy

      I'm not too worried. The guy is selling a handful of pairs among some other post deployment gear.

  15. You're behind the curve; people have been doing that forever!
  16. Arnie's has seen some weird *suitcase* today.

    1. Lone_Bullet


      Please, do collaborate :)

    2. FireKnife


      Its elaborate :P.

  17. What cest rigs are taboo for PJs? I've seen some MAVs of both types and some TAG rigs. I going PJ (again) but with a chest rig instead of a 6094, because Florida is too hot.
  18. When I want to go real fast, True. When I want to go REAL fast, I ditch the optic.
  19. New paint! Added armory numbers after I took the pics. Put the KAC RAS back on it, too; can't pick which I like!
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