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Everything posted by doc_newstead

  1. Is that for real? Who makes MARPAT BA?
  2. GIANT PICTURES! /puts hands on head and runs
  3. It has rails though. So... Nice blaster. I normally break out into a rash when I see the M14 SOPMOD (or whatever it's called), but that looks pretty horny.
  4. Joey: What? Are you referring to my man's bag? At first, I thought it just looked good, but it's practical too. Check it out! It's got compartments for all your stuff! Your wallet! Your keys! Your address book! Ross: Your make-up!
  5. You got the wrong Stoner rifle. It was the SR-25 you wanted. Better luck next time.
  6. I love how they give a *beep* out there. Over here, every sadsack is content to buy the cheapest kit possible, and then proceed to look down their nose at everyone else, under pretensions of moral superiority. If I turned up to that game in full kit, I'd expect to either get no reaction, or maybe a compliment, as it seems that half the fun is the dressing up. Over here, people will make back-handed comments like "Wow, do you really need a vest that big?" etc... ¬_¬
  7. LJ wanted to see what it looked like, a sort of 'patrol' look. I'm his dancing DPM monkey, apparently.
  8. So not getting the SA80 AFV then, that being what they use and all?
  9. It does look a bit titchy... I prefer this Still, all very swish FE EDIT: Actually on second thoughts, the Z-point does look nicer. Nooge.
  10. They don't live on this *suitcasey* island. Can you imagine the Japanese on dial-up?
  11. I'm on 2meg and ###### me off something rotten; don't do it.
  12. I'm guessing you're a woman, or a eunuch.
  13. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a214/ala...a/M122_M604.jpg Horn.
  14. Well ok, but that mIRC setup guide is still wrong.
  15. I told them about this a month ago. The instructions are wrong. http://www.arniesairsoft.co.uk/?filnavn=/c...nstructions.htm You need to connect to inferno.il.us.darkmyst.org. I think they thought I was mucking about when I mentioned it. Well I *fruitcage* wasn't; I'd reinstalled my firewall and mIRC twice before finally twigging...
  16. I got weird error message on this page, with no other windows open. Someone's server gone squiffy?
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