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About Cire_

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  1. Great review wow. I don't really play M4, but i had one specna before and i like their price tag and functions. Great basic starter imo!
  2. This is such a horror story. Quite stupid of evike not to give a dam.
  3. Has there been any company that done co2 mags for WE AK? WE seems to have co2 to most of their guns, howcome their AK dont?
  4. Glad i did not buy one right away.Hope Ratech is working hard onmthis one
  5. Nice, could you link the reddit thread and more info about it? Sounds intreseting.
  6. Not bad at all, i would do a bit more of the darker paint on the handguard.
  7. Depends on how long you would extend it then. If it's more then 40-50 mm i would do it.
  8. As almost always NonEx your gun looks freaking amazing.
  9. I have a hard time for that peq, kinda looks wierd to me even tho it's practical.
  10. Not a fan of tacticool AK, but that looked dope.
  11. @renegadecow How is it performing in the field? Have you had a chance to test it now?
  12. One of thoose weapon i really would like to have, but not really sure i'd use it enough. But it's a beauty, thats for sure.
  13. Do you guys skrimish with it or mostly have it as a cool gun or in special skrimishes?
  14. Hey. I've been thinking about buying a ptw clone or a tm next gen. I got an offer on a dtw that has full etiny electrics, new hop up and motor that has some parts replaced and cleaned. If i want to get a G&D Dtw, what parts are needed to be fixed/replaced for it to work good? So far i understood that etiny electrics is a really good upgrade at least. Is the G&D DTW motor any good?
  15. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4I6lkeIOccEN0F4a1hFX2IzdHM/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4I6lkeIOccEbEdxWjFlSnRvbk0/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4I6lkeIOccEa2FXVzBCMHVVYzA/view?usp=sharing I can't use the flat one tho, too big hands and it really does feel bad with the flat one, but great with the nomral one.
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