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Bolle X800s over Guarder/Daisy Shooting Glasses.


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Hi. I'm thinking of getting a pair of Guarder or Daisy shooting goggles. There are several models as you know, C2, C3, C4, 2004 model etc. I would like to wear them for the Ground Zero weekender. However I would like the options of wearing my Bolle X800s over them as well, so I'm wondering, if anyone knows which models would actually fit under the X800s?


Thanks in advance :)

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I see you are plagued with the same problem I am bad eyes. For years i was using crappy JT paintball goggles over my Rx glasses but I recently switched to wearing ESS Advancer V12s with the Rx insert and I dont know how I ever lived with out them. If you watch Ebay you can probably pick up a pair cheap as the goggles are currently being used by one of the UK military branches(but I dont know which). Goggles with the propper Rx insert I think are definitely the way to go. The are Loads more comfortable and your peripheral vision is not comprised at all.

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I have two pairs of guarder C4 (too lazy to switch between the clear and tinted lenses, sue me)


I dont have a tape measure handy, but theyre quite wide. (at least on my face)


a teammate just picked up a set of those x800s, so if youd like I can try to wear both at the same time.

Please do. It'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :)

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Well, not really an issue with the sort of energies in airsoft, but basically when you get an impact on either the goggles or the glasses on their own, theres some give in the frames that disperses some of the energy. If the two are touching the whole thing becomes more rigid, and more of the energy will get passed into your face.


Could also damage one or other of them if they rub or tap against each other meaning you have very little protection in the event of an impact.

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Well, not really an issue with the sort of energies in airsoft, but basically when you get an impact on either the goggles or the glasses on their own, theres some give in the frames that disperses some of the energy. If the two are touching the whole thing becomes more rigid, and more of the energy will get passed into your face.


Could also damage one or other of them if they rub or tap against each other meaning you have very little protection in the event of an impact.

Ah I see. Thanks for that tip. The X500s dont touch the C3s so thats alright. The x800s dont fit, period, so no chance of wearing those over the C3s.


I didnt get to try the guarder C4's with the Bolle goggles until today.



They do not fit.

Ah thanks. Much appreciated :)


The C3 lenses are HUGE. no way you'll get them under the X800's comfortably.

Yep I just found that out :P


That means Riley Xs will not fit too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well turns out I couldn't be bothered wearing X500s over the C3s. With X800s, I think they're fine as they are, although I AM a bit worried about the gap between lense and frame. I noticed that depending on how the frame flexes to fit your face, the gap COULD be large enough to let a BB in. I make it a point to wear a peaked cap with the X800s so the brim covers the gap at the top.

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