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Steel V2 gear boxes on gunner! OMGWTFBBQ!


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Found this on gunners site today.....



All steel baby!




Taken from gunners site...


"X Engineering Research 8mm ALL STEEL Version 2 gear box with 6 bearings

CNC made"


Should be nice for all the high powered Armalites and G3's out there.


All for $135 not so cheapsoft but still cool



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Still, steel (cast or otherwise) ought to be stronger than your average cast potmetal GB, no?


I suppose, but at that point isn't it worthwhile to just spend 40 bucks extra to get one of the billet aluminum gearboxes? At least those are CNCed from billet and have proven track records, lighter too.

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Good idea, I've been trying to buy one for months and I can't find one anywhere.


These steel ones are available now.


I remember seeing a thread somewhere about getting enough people to do another run of them, but fair point, aside from buying them off of current owners it's somewhat difficult to procure one these days.

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ya, just a word of warning. Even if something is steel, if it is not cast properly, (even if it is cast into a block and machined out), the steel can actually be weaker than aluminum. From an engineering standpoint, if random bits of impurities (phosphorus for example) makes its way into the steel, it "pre-stresses" the crystalline structures of the metal and makes it have areas that are prone to fracture.


Think of it this way. If there are two chains, and one is made of steel and one is aluminum. While the steel one SHOULD be stronger, if one of the chains is weaker than an aluminum link, then the whole chain itself is weaker.


China's been dumping out really bad steel for years, and although many places have definitely turned a new leaf, other areas still pump out the same less than satisfactory stuff.

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CNC. Gimme a C, gimme an N, gimme a C! See enn see!


The buzzword that makes Airsofters buy anything.


I bet I could make a fortune by selling air in an envelope to airsofters. Just say it's CNC-machined, and close the envelope next to a CNC-machine when it's running. :P



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If it's cast and then cnc'ed it also could be slightly bent. At work we finish some products that were originally cast (we put some holes and cut a few areas that need to be precise) and when they come out of the machine they can be warped, either from the stress of the tools when they're cutting, or from holding them in the machine.

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