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Cheap Night vision goggles


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so i have been waiting for this for a couple months. I heard about it on another forum, but had my doubts.


They are the Jakks Pacific EyeClops NVGs.


I found them this past weekend at Target $79.99 USD. For those of you across the pond, I dont think you have target and im sorry for you. But check online. Anyway I say it is a pretty decent goggle system. it doenst look too kiddy and it is somewhat functional. It all depends on what you want to do with it.


The goggles are based off of security camera technology.




the only issue is that the field of view is extremely narrow. it is like looking thru a 6 inch hole about 1.5 feet in front of you. that is all you can see. so there is NO peripheral vision and your depth perception goes out the window.


One nice feature is that you can switch from NV Green to NV B&W.


The B&W is more just like a natural camera. at night or darkness things look BW but in the light muted colors show up.


That is another nice feature, the camera eye can auto adjust to ambient light. so if you walk into a room or daylight it still works and you can see. it wont blind you.


The right monocle is an array of IR LEDs. as well as the circle around the camera lens. I dont like the fact that the circle around the camera lens glows a dim red when switched on and of course this gives away your position in the dark. But you can switch light sources with the twisty knob on the right hand side of the goggles. I tried these in a CQB warehouse and they sort of work. It helps to keep the left monocle open to use your natural night vision and you can see a bit more in terms of your periphery. The obvious problem is aiming. it sort of works if I bring up a pistol near the camera lens. then the LEDs hit the back of the pistol and I can sort of make out the sights. Really an IR laser would be best.


For $80 bucks dont expect this to put Insight Technologies out of business. But as a cheap alternative to Type I $300 monacle systems, this could be utilized for some fun night games. And at such a low price you can afford to get another if it breaks.






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You know...these look awesome, in my opinion.


I'd about buy them based off of the way they look! (As silly as it may be...)


I'd have to get a FN2000 to go with them, though...^_^




Edit: I wonder if an IR illuminator would boost the quality of the image.

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Looks fugly as hell in my opinion, but I still see potential in it.


Can you give us more pics of it please? like the lcd areas, and the circuit board? It might be possible to mod it into this:




Also, does it lag at all? I was thinking of hacking an old camera phone into a NVG, but reconsiderd it after how much lag it had whenever it had something move in the frame, plus the auto shut down feature.

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that would be like squeezing an elephant into a compact car. not gonna happen.

With some applied screwdrivery it'd actually be possible, you would only need to ditch the LED torch mounted on the right eyepiece and figure out a smarter way to install the IR illuminators. That and leaving the battery pack on the back of your head.

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The obvious problem is aiming. it sort of works if I bring up a pistol near the camera lens. then the LEDs hit the back of the pistol and I can sort of make out the sights. Really an IR laser would be best.


Cut up some IR reflectors and stick them on your sights. They should glow like no other.

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GAH! May wallet is deifinetely going to Bleed like hell at christmas. With me getting all the upgradings and now this.....And christmas presant for others!!!!Dang.... I really want 1 tho...... seems like i have to sarcifice my PSP lol......... Not sure where i can get it from hong kong tho......Not out on toys r us yet.....

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