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G&G Blowback rifles available at Airsoft Scotland!


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Sorry but when is someone going to make a decent blow back bolt? This is half way there but still travels half the distance it should.


If you block the "bolt" from going back do you get an FPS increase?


Also, G&G naff off with the M4's the market is already saturated with them, go make that F2000 you said would be released in 2008 <_<

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I'm wondering if you could feasibly fiddle the blow-back tube to send the bolt all the way back. There's probably things in the way so might be too much of a job...

Waiting on an internals review and compatibility with other external parts, mainly MBK as vic said (just how many extra parts have the fitted inside the mechbox ie?)

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Yup, they did. I'm the bugger that wrote it lol.


I'll admit that I approached the G&G/Top Tech M4 with a fair amount of cynicism, having taken apart a good few G&G M4's in the past, but this really was a pleasant surprise on the gearbox front, with a helluva lot of thought put into the blow back system. If only G&G/Top Tech had produced this instead of their diabolical first generation M4's....

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I was curious and interested when i saw the promo of this "blow back action"... When i looked it up on youtube, the blow back was lame. Hardly worth 250 quid. If the blow back actually pushed the "bolt" back further, then it would have been more appealing.... I mean, no one is really going to notice it....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry but when is someone going to make a decent blow back bolt? This is half way there but still travels half the distance it should.


If you block the "bolt" from going back do you get an FPS increase?


Also, G&G naff off with the M4's the market is already saturated with them, go make that F2000 you said would be released in 2008 <_<


I heard that F2000, will be in the schedule of 2009, they definitely going to issue that in 2009.

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