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Chinese P90 with red dot


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Are these honorable chinese citizens*fruitcage*in serious? 2 MEUs, 2 AKMS and 2 AIMS and now a RD P90?


Anyway, I had the top rail version for a few days and it was pretty OK, not as nice a TM, but still worth every penny.

I just wish the guys over at 51QBH had some better pics of the red dot.


without a suppressor




with a suppressor



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how do they not know who makes them??


i was speaking to someone from JG the other day and was hinted they were going to be making one soon. but there ching-lish was not very good.

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how do they not know who makes them??


i was speaking to someone from JG the other day and was hinted they were going to be making one soon. but there ching-lish was not very good.


its not about they dont know who make them, offcourse they know ;) its just sometimes someone has made these models for themselves, and when chinese sell things as ACM they think they can get away with it :D that people wouldnt find out who made that :P

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Oohh wow... that is tempting! A metal upper with correct trades (as far as I can tell) and a built in optical sight at a nice price. Quite cool indeed! Although I'm gonna pass for now and pick up a Kalash AKMS or AK-74M methinks, too many good AKs to tempt me these days :lol:


I still wonder though why no company ever made a realistic P90 optical sight replica. The Marui, CA, and now ACM replicas are all red dots when the real ones are non-illuminated white (or black in SS models) reticle ring sights.

I think these airsoft manufacturers have spent too much time playing video games and not enough time looking at the real guns they're trying to replicate :lol:

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