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FLYYE Industries and Seal Team Monkey 6


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I do not know if this actually qualifies as news, it certainly is nice promotion for some of the new and old Flyye made, more "sealish" oriented kits (LB6094, LBT1961A, MBSS etc) and a nice gesture for those diehard fans that cannot afford or just arent so crazy to buy real deal LBT or EI stuff :)


Here is the whole news:



Dear friends of Flyye,


we at FLYYE Industries are proud to announce that we have reached out to our respected customers and airsoft community that turns to us more and more when in need of reliable and durable Cordura equipment. That is why we have decided to return the favor back to the community and are happy to announce that we now officialy sponsor one of the best Spanish airsoft teams, who have been our customers and supporters for a long time - the Seal Team Monkey 6. Your trust in our FLYYE Industries brand makes us happy and makes us push the quality and wide range of products even further. Thus, we will dedicate ourselves more and more, to keep contributing to the airsoft community, be it your reenacment needs or need for a durable Cordura milspec gear, FLYYE Industries always will deliver.


We now fully stock all of�our products in all FLYYE milspec 1000 Denier INVISTA Cordura colors (MC, BK, OD, KH, CB and RG), as well as the items that Seal Team Monkey 6 members use, for their US Navy Seal looks - from the modern LB6094, lightweight LB1961A Band, versatile RRV, to the mobile MBSS, as well as all others products listed on our site.


Please visit us,



Also, do not forget to check out our Spanish friends from STM6,











(Topic cn be moved, if someone thinks this should not be qualified as news)

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I do not know if this actually qualifies as news, it certainly is nice promotion for some of the new and old Flyye made, more "sealish" oriented kits (LB6094, LBT1961A, MBSS etc) and a nice gesture for those diehard fans that cannot afford or just arent so crazy to buy real deal LBT or EI stuff :)


Thanks for creeping up Flyye's butt hole and giving them a freeby promo.

What they do is not a "nice gesture", it's called business. And you don't need to be crazy to buy real world products, escpecially when Flyye products are often not significantly cheaper.


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Not always true. While some stuff may not be a "whole lot" cheaper then real deal, the prices are quite good, especially when you consider the quality you get.


Compare the prices to say Condor, and then think about how much better Flyye will be then Condor.


Didn't condor recently switch to 1000D cordura? At least some products are offered as such. Not saying Condor is better, just asking, because that will be a lot more of a factor in something like that.

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To my knowledge no, but if they did it would be pretty big news.


I have had their 6094 loosely based replica in the past and hated it. It was 600D, but they could have done better. I am not trying to make Flyye seem better in this example, but just from my own experiences. Customers of Flyye told me that their stuff has held up great, even with heavy use.



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To my knowledge no, but if they did it would be pretty big news.


I have had their 6094 loosely based replica in the past and hated it. It was 600D, but they could have done better. I am not trying to make Flyye seem better in this example, but just from my own experiences. Customers of Flyye told me that their stuff has held up great, even with heavy use.


Quite a bit of condors new stuff is 1000d.

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Well, they are know to be "picture players" more than just players, here in Spain you also have UAK that uses flecktarn and such "eastern" camos also sponsored, seems nice to start getting your fclethes for low price just giving some photos (almost never in real action) and forum propaganda...

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Well, they are know to be "picture players" more than just players, here in Spain you also have UAK that uses flecktarn and such "eastern" camos also sponsored, seems nice to start getting your fclethes for low price just giving some photos (almost never in real action) and forum propaganda...


That's another point of view,


But don't affirm things you really don't know ;)



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Thanks for creeping up Flyye's butt hole and giving them a freeby promo.

What they do is not a "nice gesture", it's called business. And you don't need to be crazy to buy real world products, escpecially when Flyye products are often not significantly cheaper.



Alright mate if you say so. I doubt many companies are so open to the public as Flyye is and dont know why you would say their products are not so significantly cheaper. Not all live in US and have access to issued stuff just around the corner, so people do resort to brands as PANTAC and Flyye for a reason. I do use both and since I am not a complete geardo, they both serve me well technicaly, which is what matters to me the most. There are many other brands out there, not that they are bad, but I found them lacking for various reasons, be it weird colors, weird designs or bad materials and no customer support.


Regarding the STM6, pictures or no pictures, they do play airsoft, have used Flyye for longer time and did give much feedback on it. One can't expect a team of hicap guys who only have few Flyye made pouches, to make it to the news.


And "one of the best teams" literally should be understood more as "dedicated", because it is certain that these guys do this out of pure love. Not to be mistaken as "best in the game of airsoft", such thing does not exist. The STM6 guys never claimed such a thing, so no one should be offended.



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Not a problem, even one menmber mesaged me to invite to play with them... nice!


NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT PROPAGANDA or anything, just mumbling about "I wish I also had nice photos", airsoft is not a so cheap sport/hobby so anyway to get it cheaper is welcome

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Thanks for creeping up Flyye's butt hole and giving them a freeby promo.

What they do is not a "nice gesture", it's called business. And you don't need to be crazy to buy real world products, escpecially when Flyye products are often not significantly cheaper.


This post is sponsored by PX-Airsoft


I added smalltext you clearly forgot.

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Sponsorship is fine, nothing wrong with it. Alot of teams have it.


I'm not sure one vendor & team's sponsorship agreement is news wrthy of a world-spanning site though. Seems more just like and advert opportunity. But regardless, good for team seal monkey 6.


All my Condor stuff works fine, and is quite durable, however I'd like to see some Flyye stuff, dont really see it around the US in my area much. Options are always good.

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I agree partially Hillslam, that is why I added a small note at the end of the first post. It is opportuity to advertise, but the whole point of the STM6 is that these guys among playing airsoft, try hard to do cool Seal kits with Flyye gear, very accurate I might add and the connection with Flyye here is that it offers some really good replicas of 2nd line stuff such as LBT 1961A, LB6093, MBSS, RRV etc. It is meant to appeal those who try to make accurate kits, but do not have the money to buy real stuff, or neither see any point in that. Nobody is trying to cover anything up here lol.


I cannot say much about Condor because I have only seen few small pieces, I did however extensively used PANTAC which was ok but for the lesser price Flyye performs better. All my FLyye kits are as new after months of extensive airsoft use, no rips, no blooming and no faulty stuff. To say in other words - so far in my experience, the Flyye stuff is the only brand I do not have to worry that I will "f*** something up" while using it on the field. If I add great prices, all milspec colors (only the Flyye Khaki is more of Eagle MJK) and absolutely great customer support, I cannot say I need anything more. And to reply to the first poster, that I am sucking up to Flyye, brother, nobody forced me to post this, I did this on my initiative, neither am I a member of STM6, I do not even personalyk now these guys, however I have known them for some time now and are really decent guys. Through them I have aslo ofund out about other good Spanish airsoft teams who also do their stuff with all their hearts.


If you are in US, I think you should ask Vlado where to get or try out Flyye gear, he could tell you more, sadly I am from Europe.

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Thanks for creeping up Flyye's butt hole and giving them a freeby promo.

What they do is not a "nice gesture", it's called business. And you don't need to be crazy to buy real world products, escpecially when Flyye products are often not significantly cheaper.

Aren't you the guy that insists on having the "correct" shade of Coyote Brown for his Marine impression?

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Aren't you the guy that insists on having the "correct" shade of Coyote Brown for his Marine impression?

You say that as if you have a point?


Impressionists and collectors will only buy correct items in the correct colours. Flyye caters to airsofters who want to look 90% like something, while not spending the money on real to make themselves 100%. Just like Pantac they occupy a level of the market a step above skirmishing and a step below geardo. I don't see that this is news though.

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This is madness. I need to find the Marine that has a bunch of Condor and Flyye gear. Also, doesn't the shade of CB say, Eagle, does their line in vary from run to run? Honestly, the hobby of trying to emulate photos of Marines and soldiers...

I would suggest that this is rather offtopic. KWP did not say anything related, and instead commented on the fact that a company releasing a new product is not usually a "nice gesture" but a basic part of business. Also, Flyye and Pantac are usually cheaper, but on a good number of items are nearly the same as Eagle with it's lifetime guarantee.

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This is madness. I need to find the Marine that has a bunch of Condor and Flyye gear. Also, doesn't the shade of CB say, Eagle, does their line in vary from run to run? Honestly, the hobby of trying to emulate photos of Marines and soldiers...

Considering the size of most armed forces, i'm sure you could find a soldier or Marine who wears pink ladies underwear, but it wouldn't make it part of an accurate kit. Eagle's gear varies from run to run, just like any manufacturer, but you're missing the point. To get a 100% accurate kit (or as close as can be achieved in the civilian world) people will buy Eagle, Aites, SDS, etc, etc because that is what is issued. Buy condor or flyye gives you an approximate look for a low pricetag.


oh, and FYI, its trying to emulate the kit of Marines, soldiers, squadies, diggers, etc. I'm yet to see anyone beasting themselves around assualt courses and doing parade drill before skirmishing.

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