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Chinese M1 Bazooka


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Or you could make one yourself for a fraction of the price... I mean, cool that companies are making more interesting stuff but I wouldn't pay over $300 for something I could make for $50 or less. I do like the reloading system, it's clever looking but that price for what is a fairly simple design seems a tad high.

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Hmmm, and I was thinking of building a few and selling them, this will put some serious competition, although it does give me a good price point. Still very nice looking, but it doesnt look like it can fire anything but BB's

I do believe some of the TSLFX pyros are 40mm, I know that at my site they've been launched from 203's with Propane.

yeah, if you stick something into the end, like a nerf football, and just use the shells air power to launch that, you have many projectile options.


the bes option is the madbul, CO2 powered shells. especially the one that shoots paintballs.

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Um, you want to be very careful with that kind of thing whitehawksan as it's potentially pretty illeagal, I'd also refrain from discussing such things on these forums. Nerf footballs can work very well indeed, the question is how much barrel is left ahead of the grenade itself, from the pictures I imagine a fair bit but then I don't know how the inner tube mounts. The design of the bazooka does make for a potentially very good airsoft anti-vehicle weapon, nice long barrel that doesn't launch to large a projectile, could work a treat.

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Launching *stabalised* explosive rounds is illegal.


What you're describing would be more of an H&S or insurance issue than an actual 'legal' one.


Well an insurance company will do ANYTHING to avoid paying up, to be fair you can throw them further than they launch, however it *is* jolly good fun albeit I think we're probably straying a wee off topic

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how so? Both M203's and TSLFX pyro's are both very legal indeed, I don't see how putting them together makes them illegal.


There's a hell of a lot more to it than that - as Tony Lewis (yes, the "TL" in TLSFX) explained to us when we (Comrades in Arms) did his battlefield pyrotechnics training course the year before last.


Launching *stabalised* explosive rounds is illegal.


What you're describing would be more of an H&S or insurance issue than an actual 'legal' one.


Launching explosive rounds puts you firmly into the illegal-as-*fruitcage* group if you don't have a Section 5 license - end of story.


The mortar rounds we use do not (by strict definition) use "explosives" - thats how we can get away with using them legally.


Urgh, it's a legal minefield and I don't fancy sitting here writing a 2000 word essay on the subject

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The above posts should probably be redacted.


Back on topic, I'd very much like to see launchers capable of firing nerf rockets that look a little more current. My current setup gives me ridiculous range, but the appearance of it is a bit bland.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hmmm, and I was thinking of building a few and selling them, this will put some serious competition, although it does give me a good price point. Still very nice looking, but it doesnt look like it can fire anything but BB's


if you made a panzershreck instead i for one would most likely buy one off of you

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