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  • Arnie

    Forum updates, feedback system and new versions

    By Arnie

    Firstly I'm going to try to document forum updates and other work completed to the site here in my forum blog. This will keep all the forum related updates in one place.   I've completed several updates to the forums today. We're now running the latest IPS versions for Gallery and Blog. There should be several bug fixes and feature adjustments with these new versions; I don't get a list I'm afraid or I'd publish it.   I've also taken comments on the trading system on board and we now have a

Detonics Finished; New Review Finished

I have to showboat a little bit. When I first got into airsoft I used Justpistols to research every possible gun I could come up with. It remains on my most read list, and when I began reviewing myself I chose to base my structure on what Snowman has done (not a copy, but a guide). A few weeks ago I asked him to take a look at my own reviews and give me his honest opinion. I must say I am humbled to say that he actually liked them, and went so far as to want to use one of them on Justpistols



DB Customs Results

So a few months ago I asked DB Customs to cut me a tight bore for my Tanaka Hi Power. Not the shortest route for a few FPs, but the accuracy results more than made up for it. Here are the full results.   Here are the full results for the Tanaka Hi Power:   Chrono results: Toytec .20s, XCortech Chronograph, 70 degrees, room temperature magazine, full   Stock: 1 - 290.6 2 - 297.9 3 - 295.5 4 - 294.5 5 - 296 6 - 294.1 7 - 291.5 8 - 295.5 9 - 293 10 - 293.2   Averag



The holidays!

I hate Christmas. I used to like the getting gifts part, then I came to like giving gifts. More recently, however, I started to dislike having to buy other people presents, going out into the store for 5 or six hours, wrapping, all that BS. This year, I just hated the whole thing. I don't want to get anything for anyone and I don't want them to give me anyhting. The whole thing just seems so fake to me anymore. About the only thing I still like about this "holiday" is getting to visit my f

Chris North

Chris North

Delta Comp

So I have been slowly building my TM PGC Delta Elite into a sort of hybrid Competition gun, and I am pretty much done with it. There is only one part left, and I am not sure I am willing to spend $120 on another outer barrel. I might, I might not, but I have finally gotten this sucker together to a point that I need to show her off.   This gun probably has the most truly custom work on it than any of my guns. It also has the highest number of real steel parts. The last piece of the puzzl



Another review, and some future projects.

So my buddy left town today, and I finally had the time to complete my WE 1911 Tactical review. It can be found here. Not too terrible a gun, but still nothing to get all that excited about. I am going to continue to follow up on it as more rounds are shot through it. I will be updating the review at 500 and then 1,000 rounds. Pain to keep track, but science is science.   Still haven't fixed the WE Compact. I really need to get on that. Tomorrow I am expecting two fun packages. DB C



Another Client project finished.

So my buddy has been in town, I have had a client gun sitting and waiting for parts, it is the last week before Christmas and we need to finish up our projects at work before the week is out, and I only managed to get three hours of sleep last night. How come once you grow up, the Holiday season usually consists of stress and more work?   I have been working on a friend of mines PGC Delta Elite and I have been waiting for the final parts to arrive. Originally sent for a quick tune up, and



Things are looking better.

Things actually look to be going a bit better for me. There's still things that need to be done, problems that need to be solved, and a few things that could be better, but hey, nothing is ever perfect, and if it was, life would probably suck more than when it's not. Sort of like that episode of The Twilight Zone...   Anyhow, the linseed oil on the skorpion's grip has dried. I'm still not sure if there is enough difference in color to warrant the switch over from a poly finish, but I thi

Chris North

Chris North


There has been nothing but rain for a month here. It has not been "Oh it'll be fine. LETS GO PLAY IN IT!" Rain...it has been "OH *beep* THE ROOF IS COMING OFF!!!" rain. I didn't blog about it, but I broke my rib diving onto the ground to avoid some fire in a game back in OCT. I been laid up for over a month so when I got well the only thing on my mind was getting out there and friggin playin. Well NOW there is nothing but rain. RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN! Hard rain. We had a little break in the ra



Another WE entry

So I got bored with writing up my Tactical review tonight and jumped into upgrading my Compact. I have decided to leave the tactical untouched for 1,000 rounds. That way I can update the review at 500 rounds, where I will clean and lube it, and then again at 1,000.   But since the Compact was given to me as a used gun, I decided to just jump in and see what I could come up with. I found out a few good things, and some bad things. I ended up throwing these parts into it:   stock TM Ho




So yeah. Apprenticeships. good idea, right? getting young people into 'skilled' trades, getting them decent money, and getting the rest of the public more plumbers to overcharge them when their water pipes burst.   sounds like a good plan, until you read the small print.     thats not all though.       So, essentially, if you started an apprenticeship at 16, you could be paid... whatever the *fruitcage* your employer wanted to pay you for three years. which, handily, is how l



Lots of things.

In this entry I'll write about being emo, Black & Decker, "the best" foods, and talk a little bit about the MK1 I said I was going to write about a few days ago.   Lately, again, I've been in a bad mood. I've been angry, sad, and nervous. They're all for good reasons (none of which I feel like sharing), but usually I've never allowed myself feel that way. I'm not really sure why I feel like this now, though apparently a lot of other people have the same problem. I guess, for me at l

Chris North

Chris North

WE Tech Project

So the WE tech project is well under way. Thanks to my buddy Allizard, I am now the proud owner of two WE 1911s. While I wish I was doing a Western Arms Magna Project and happened to come up on two of them, I am grateful for the help with the WEs.   Speaking of WE, half of phase 1 is done. WE 1911 3.8 Compact review is now done and available here.   I began writing it using a new flow of writing and formating and it went much more smoothly. Before I was working from a pre-built format,



ChairSoft Custom Works Consortium

Much thanks to Captain Plastic for hooking it up. If I ever actually go into business, I don't need to worry about choosing a store front name. Now I need to find a way to open up a shop and not go broke.   I finally finished my review of the Marushin P210-6, you can check it here. Funny how I keep remembering new things I want to add in, but forget during the writing process. In all new reviews there will be mention of the shots per mag, and overall efficiency. I might also want to shak



I've got wood...

...grips!   Spent most of my free time yesterday and some time today in the work shop working on a few things.   One of them; the grips I didn't think I was going to build. Makes it look a bit better, no?   The part I was mainly concerned about, the trigger guard attachment point, didn't need to be copied form the stock grips as well as I had thought. The little notch that helps hold the grip in place doesn't really do that much, so I just cut out a spot in the new grip for it

Chris North

Chris North

Hard at work.

So most of the day has been spent taking pictures, writing reviews, and I managed to squeeze some building and tuning in as well. I managed to cure all the firing problems with my Delta Elite, and on top of that I got my client's gun up and running as well. It was a good day in terms of tuning. It turned out so well, he went off and took the plunge to go that last bit over the top. I am excited to see how it turns out. Should be a great one.   I also finished up my review of the Guarder



KWA M1911A1 Review up.

So late last night I finished up the review that almost killed me. Stupid KWA M1911A1 review is up here.   I have been given another great chance, a larger manufacturer has agreed to loan me guns for review and publication. I am excited to get my hands on more weapons, without having to purchase them up front. It will be like building a project gun for a client, all the fun of a new gun, and I don't lose any money in the deal.   I also managed to work out a few hammer issues with a clie



Somebody up there must hate me...

I got my Skorpion yesterday (day before, technically), and already I've spent about an hour working on it. About 50 minutes of that was mostly because I didn't know what I was doing, but 10 minutes was because of a somewhat legit problem.   Don't read too much into the title, I don't really believe that. I'm actually agnostic.   Anyhow, for some reason, the 61's blowback is quite a bit stronger with the stock extended and unsupported (as in not against my shoulder), but strangely the

Chris North

Chris North

Another rant and rave.

One question that baffles me:   Who photos food for takeaways and pubs???   Do these people not have a life outside their camera studio???   Anyway other than that i now have my P90 uprated and a new Glock 18c to play with and with my third stamp in reach i can call myself an airsoft (amongst other things).   Anyway just filling time, tatty bye to all.   'FireKnife'



Work or hobby?

Man, it is busy actually giving a *beep* about something. For the last week straight I have spent so much of time either posting on the new forum, going back and forth with the rest of the staff, or flat out generating content. Man writing a review used to be a fun weekend gig, and now it has become like another few hours of labour at the end of a long day. Don't get me wrong, I like the testing and picture taking, but man the assembling and writing, takes it out of me. All in all, I have pr



Bad times?

Lately I haven't been feeling to well. Not sick, just upset. I think it's because I'm not sure whether I'm behind or doing okay. It's an awful feeling that I can't seem to shake. Not really sure what to do about it either, except continue to do what I do, and hope for the best. But that seems so irresponsible, doesn't it? Just hope and work? I'm sure I'll figure it out, I'm just not sure when. This all probably sounds like nonsense, but I don't care to elaborate any more on it, since it

Chris North

Chris North

How to strip a TM 1911.

I finally got off my a$% and finished my guide to completely stripping a TM 1911 down to it's little parts. People are always asking, but the general guides available are all for the TM Hi Capa which is just enough different to be useless if you have to go into the frame. So here it is. Yeah, I don't own a stock 1911 any longer, so you also get to see the inner workings of my upgraded gun. Not too many secrets spilled there.   I also fixed the trigger issue on my Delta Elite. Funny enoug



DB Customs

Man life is pretty good right now. Still haven't decided what I am actually going to build next, but I have finally gotten some long waited for parts in (well tomorrow). DB Customs finally have sent me back my prototype barrels.   I will finally get to fire my Hi Power again. I wish I had been smart enough to write down my fps tests before I sent it out, but luckily the barrels are really easy to change out. I promised Dwayne I would run full tests, with the chrono and at range. I am exc



G&P Pistons

So, 7000ish rounds later with the new G&P white piston at 500fps and not a hitch. I think I've found my new favourite piston, still using TM's in all my other AEG's though. I reinstalled the selector plate just for a burst at 500fps (usually it's single shot only), it was only about 50 rounds, but I wanted to see what the ROF would be like - admittedly it was probably about 25rps, hardly impressive, only a little faster than a stock TM on a large 9.6. Still, who cares, it's back to single sh



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