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Everything posted by speculator

  1. Pictures from that past weekend skirmish (Courtesy of TFS Milsim Media)!
  2. Have someone that may be able to get me a slingloop version but it'll definitely cost more than a replacement. Sent a message to Real Sword and no luck with any responses yet. I'll be hopeful.
  3. So I accidentally lost my handguard retention pin during a game :\. Anyone know where I could get a replacement?
  4. "It just means your motor is still not coming to a stop quick enough. You can either increase the braking or try cleaning out our motor to increase the effectiveness of braking. (A dirty/worn motor is less effective at braking." I'm using an 11.1v and high 16:1 gears. Noticed that 7.4v make the tappet/nozzle less likely for the issue to happen (those it does depress halfway). I'm going to try cleaning the motor and see how it goes. Active braking is set to light.
  5. Thanks! Got some great support from BTC as well and I'll be trying it out.
  6. Finally got mine up and running! I was originally having the same issue as you Seal where the piston wouldn't fully go forward after firing but reshimming and setting a low motor brake helped. However, the tappet plate and nozzle seem to be stuck in the cocked position after firing...in both single and auto. Is this normal? Anyone else have that issue?
  7. Thanks! That's good knowledge to know. It's a shame that the mag catch wears down so fast.
  8. Has anyone had any issues with magazines not shooting unless the mag is held tightly in the pistol? I've also noticed that if i rack the slide back, it'd sometimes drop my mag right out of the gun. (Recently upgraded it with a creation slide and steel barrel)
  9. Just got mine in! as well an apple airsoft nozzle and wii tech ball bearing spring guide. Will let everyone know how it works on the field. (from what I gather, the system is pretty much a standard v2 hopup style) hmm anyone have problems with loose triggers on full auto? if i pull it all the way down, it seems the contacts will get loose and stop firing. If i pull it gently, I can fire full auto with no issues.
  10. Been thinking of picking one up and maybe sharing the rail handguard with my PTS ACR. Has anyone tried that?
  11. Iron Airsoft (originally wanted to use my EGLM on it, but the rail is too long and the magwell is too fat. That was enough of an excuse for me to purchase an IR M320).
  12. Yeah I absolutely love my T97b (The reshimming helped substantially). My optics sit a little high on my rail (terrible for when you're trying to keep a low profile on the field), so I actually just use my sights instead. Fantastic range after sticking a 455mm tightbore in it as well. Just got a complete modern PLA loadout as well (god the FLC molle style vests were hard to source), so I'll see if I can get some pics up sometime.
  13. ah nah it's preowned, but never opened. (previous owner only changed out the spring). I finally took a look at it and it seems the gears were shimmed too tightly (gears and motor itself were still in immaculate condition though. This gun is a beast). Reshimmed it and the gearbox is MUCH smoother.
  14. Had a quick question, but is the T97b suppose to sound grindier than other aegs (I haven't had a chance to take it apart yet and it seems pretty well shimmed)? Sounds pretty bad on a 7.4v lipo.
  15. Thanks for the help guys, I'm hoping it's just a piston issue, so I went ahead and ordered an SHS one (along w/ new pistonhead and gears). Going to cross my fingers.
  16. Ah, do you happen to have a link to which one you purchased? (Also, does anyone have any measurements of their piston?)
  17. Was wondering if anyone ever ran into this problem. The piston of course broke on my stock gearbox so i went ahead and replaced it with this (everything is left stock): http://www.ebay.com/itm/181047049415?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 However, when i fire the gun, it struggles to fire and the battery, wire and motor starts to heat up. Eventually the gun would slow to a halt and stop firing. Anyone know what the problem might be?
  18. Ah It's actually a 1911 holster and I've haven't had any issues with it impeding the mags.
  19. New HK made Crye Chassis Gen 1 Replica (Genuine crye and proper shaped plates and stock locks) Even though it's obsolete, I just love the design.
  20. woops, yeah posted on wrong thread lol *edit*
  21. Great review! Gearbox looks beautiful, can't wait to get my hands on one when it releases. Will you be uploading any performance test videos?
  22. The complete RAtech BCG has been working great for me. Its worked better for me then my 2 airsoftsurgeon bolts and I stopped using the aluminum prime bolt since I was afraid of wearing it too much. Due to its steel build, its got more life into it. I've been meaning to check out the new Ratech plastic nozzle with NPAS combination to lighten the BCG weight though.
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