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Everything posted by Punkypink

  1. Not really in the field per se, but seems the best place to share:
  2. breeze to install too. the hogues dont even need a screw they just grip the frame tightly.
  3. sorry for the crappy pics. was in texas, got some hogue grips for my tanaka M66 Before: After:
  4. I actually drove a Astra 1.3. It really struggled to move in 1st gear on a flat surface, so you're almost right there Black.
  5. Yes exactly my point. All those little touches.... and that majestic pose... epic, isn't it? Sigh.....
  6. All very nice, but I've still not seen anything as epic as this from page 1....
  7. TRH: remember we were discussing on another real sword thread about the battery circuit? I've received further confirmation from other knowledgable airsofters. It is indeed in series. So yes! 16.8v of sheer chainsaw lunacy! Maybe even more? The stick battery compartment should be able to take a 9.6v just fine. It appears to even have the space for a 10.8v! Imagine.... 19.2v! Probably burn the motor out
  8. so you removed the bit that required the removal of the mechbox screw? Can you take a shot of the area please? I'd like to have a look. Thanks.
  9. You will have to do the same with the G36 too.
  11. The only men who have to worry about the car they drive being girly, are the ones who have no confidence about their own male-identity anyway.
  12. Yea I know magpul, but usually just their magazine products. That AFG looks pretty good actually. Might give it a try. Btw, I wonder if the ARES gas block is compatible with the TM and JG ones? They're ALL supposed to be interchangable(at least they look so) but when I recently swapped a JG block with a TM one, it took me a lot of dremelling some of the metal bits just to get it to fit. Since gas blocks are one of the weak links on a G36, I'm looking at getting some spares(I own 2 G36s) and the only ones I see out there atm are the ARES ones.
  13. I believe in what I call organised chaos. I might have a messy desktop(and room for that matter) but I know where everything is and where to look because it is my mess
  14. Did that strange looking foregrip come with it stock? I'm assuming thats the AFG you were referring to. I've never seen that before.
  15. how much modification? something a dremel will be able to sort out, or would i need more heavy duty tools?
  16. Slight necropost. anyone's got any idea if the Realsteel TacStar stuff will fit without much hassle? Thinking of gettting these for a M500 http://www.tacstar.com/shotgun-grips.php http://www.tacstar.com/universal-barrel-shroud.php cheers in advance.
  17. He mentioned, and it can be seen in some of the pics, that the holes are on the bottom of the lower frame. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj235/c...42/P2100046.jpg http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj235/c...42/P2100049.jpg See these 2 pics.
  18. Mine hasn't lost that smell yet, and I hope it never will.
  19. knowing Real Sword, probably?
  20. mine does actually. she can be adorable and annoying in equal parts lol. I've realised shes learnt how to work me to get more food. She does the "pitiful meow" really well now.
  21. mine feels like the AK ones are a bit thick to fit into the slot at the front of the magwell, but it could fit too. Worth a try I'd think.
  22. heres some pics comparing both a TM type mag and a RS mag: The RS mags are on the right in all pics except the last one
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