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A very hard science question


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Lockage? Oh no. I though it was looking good :(


Actually something serious for us to talk about ^_^


I guess someone else will have to post another philosophy/physics related thread some other time...

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Well, it wasn't a good start to begin with... and the replies weren't life saving.


I'm sure you'll find more intelligence and amusement outside of this thread.


Make it invisible or something... we'll forget in a sec.

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Bloody PC, never had so many BSOD's before I installed AVG...


anyhow, I typed a lovely eloquent reply on the matter just before the last BSOD, and I cannot be bothered to type it again, so here's the short version:


1) as has been said already, the two items in question cannot exist = end of discussion on what would happen.


2) chicken and egg is so old it's lame.


3) God doesn't exist therefore the question is irrelevant.


4) My God! I hope that kittens grow into their heads and not with them, or the one on the right is going to need an extremely strong neck later in life!


5) As for the black one, all I can say is "ahhh....isn't it adorable?"


6) I've drunk lots of vodka and can still spell and punctuate, so I have to agree wholeheartedly with DarkLite on several posts:




7) Did I say short? Oops!



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At least the cap'pun won't turn me into a crusader like THAT other thread had.




I'll be back with some trivia spam.


edit: I was wondering if it was ok to post scientific facts about the effects of a one megaton Nuclear Airburst?


Or useless bits of information about animals at war?


One for the Mil-simmers - Marching rates for a few armies (intended parade tempo)


Napoleonic Grande Armeé - 120

British Army (Line infantry and corps) - 120

Chinese People's Liberation Army - 108

Ancient Roman Legion - 100

French Foreign legion - 88

British Army under Wellington - 75


A collection of foreign terms-phrases.


Al-Qa'Ida - The Foundation - in arabic of course

Asibiya - The companionship of warriors - in arabic

Blitzkrieg - Lightning war

Bushido - The way of the warrior

Esprit de corps - Team Spirit - for use on the battlefield

Fedayeen - Those who sacrifice themselves - in arabic

Guerre converte a term for a war involving minor noblemen of the Middle Ages who had the authority to kill and maim but not to take prisoners or damage property.


(surely the birth of the god forsaken health and safety regulation popping up there :D )


Intifada - "Shaking Off", referring to the Arab uprising in the west bank and Gaza strip in December 1987 - Arabic

Mujahidin - Warrior of God - Arabic

Samurai - The warrior servant

Sinn fein - Ourselves alone (?) - Gaelic

Stalin - Man of steel

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lol not philispoical but still interesting, ive been hearing stories of what ammounts to cannibals in the wastelands out on the boarder of western and southern australia, on the highway between freemantle and adelaide. after you get into the western bit of SA there is nothing absolutly NOTHING except the highways and very few petrol stations and when people break down on the highway if they arnt moving again soon they very often turn up dead in very grusom ways or not at all, there is well documented eveidence of aborigionals who have no contact with the government and are very hostile out there and you'd think that the government would deploy the defence force or police up there but they dont and people keep dying. i'll google it and post what i find.

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lol not philispoical but still interesting, ive been hearing stories of what ammounts to cannibals in the wastelands out on the boarder of western and southern australia, on the highway between freemantle and adelaide. after you get into the western bit of SA there is nothing absolutly NOTHING except the highways and very few petrol stations and when people break down on the highway if they arnt moving again soon they very often turn up dead in very grusom ways or not at all, there is well documented eveidence of aborigionals who have no contact with the government and are very hostile out there and you'd think that the government would deploy the defence force or police up there but they dont and people keep dying. i'll google it and post what i find.


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To be fair, it's their country.



very true and very few people seem to care anymore that one of the biggest genocides in hisotry was commited in australia


example: the colonists wiped out every single aborigional on tasmania, just went out and shot them as vermin.


example 2: in the 1940's after WW2 the british government needed a nuclear testing site the australian government offer them a site in SA which was "uninhabited", but this was only because back then aborigionals were not classed as people but "natural fauna", so the RAF bombed the site and killed and unknown number of aborigionals probably hundreds

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