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Clone Claymore mine at RSOV.com


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Yes but the madbull landmine is about the size of a £2 coin!


If you want a claymore, you want a claymore. Not a land mine.

I really wouldn't mind a couple of claymores but with so many toys to distract me from buying them,they are getting pushed further & further down the to buy list!

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That is the EXACT model from AEG Arms, as Tom pointed out. I have it here in front of me, so if anyone wants to know how it works, read my review :)


AEG Arms don't manufacture them as such, they are made for them, and judging by the box, it's identical.


It's a good piece of kit, if anyone has any questions I've not covered in my review, feel free to PM me.




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Damn it. Why did they not come out last week. <_< This would have SO rocked at The NAM.

Supercell's ASC7 claymore has been out for years. And they are a US company that came up with the first Airsoft Claymore.


This is just another cheap Knock off.

And I know besides quality of the ASC7 unit there has always been great customer service with Supercell.

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Be careful with these. A friend of mine had the AEG Arms one and the cloth that held the BBs shredded after a few "detonations." He spent a week researching a good material to make a new one. He did and now it works fine, but he is concerned that the face plate may be starting to show signs of cracking under the impact of the spring loaded launch mechanism.


This is just a FYI. Here in the states I think I will stick with the SuperCell Model (Which is on its 7th version I have been told) until this thing has a little more of a track record. If it proves out though I will definitely be interested in picking a few up to supplement my SuperCell models :)

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