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Another Army of TWO?


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Hey guys, have you guys heard that apparently a new company is making the Army of Two airsoft masks? I read on another forum that they were just released, I was wondering if anyone has any first hand experience with these?


I tried to find out more about them so I called 'cactus hobby' the sellers of the original ones, and they did not seem to know about these new ones. I was told that RAP4 will be getting them in but here is some details I got about these new Army of Two masks.


How they different/similar compared to the first ones that came out over a year ago:

Looks: Version 1 not exacting copies of the original gameing design, Version 2 cast from the same molds used by game designers so almost identical in looks.


Mask density, New masks are made of similar but more durable material. they are rubber coated on the inside and are actually backed by a limited money back guarantee stateing that the company will replace the mask if penetrated by an airsoft BB within the fps limit listed on the site.


Apparently by summer 2009 a paintball approved one will also become available.

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It looks misshapen...

+1 - the eye sockets slope up to the right (in the pic). The Version 1 looks better to me of both of them. It almost looks like they were using the Cactus mask as a pattern for the gen 1, and had to change them to avoid copyright or summit... or is that me being cynical? :huh:

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Those look horrible.


Thats a whole load of freakin ###### right there.


Way to rip off a product and do a half assed job at it. Jeeze, the OP (if he is indeed a commercial user) did a worse job on that than most early generation chinese clones.

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What a piece of $#!7.


I smell commercial user in OP

Agreed. Think I'm gonna have to flag this for the poo that it is. To the sculptor... nice try, but leave the face protection to the guys that know how to do it right. Hopefully you'll see this thread and use it as a reality gauge. Because if someone told you that your sculpts are good... they lied to you.

See this thread to see what AO2 masks should really look like.

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Well, this one is actually closer to the one in the game than the Cactus mask is. The mask from the game did not have the vent holes in front of the mouth, nor did it have as deep furrows in the forehead as the Cactus has.

The Cactus-masks do have a better paintjob though.


Now if you could make a mask like this:


In particular the half-mask for use with helmets,

then that would be pretty wicked. Especially if it had lenses instead of mesh, though it would have to be dual-layer lenses for it not to fog up too easily.

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Well, this one is actually closer to the one in the game than the Cactus mask is. The mask from the game did not have the vent holes in front of the mouth, nor did it have as deep furrows in the forehead as the Cactus has.

The Cactus-masks do have a better paintjob though.

Are you SERIOUS!?!!! Vent holes!?!! Vent holes you can fill in. Re-sculpting an entire piece of cr@p... not so much. The vent holes were put into the mask just to give you a little extra needed air circulation. Other than that, the Cactus mask is about as close to the game design as you're going to get in terms of shape, silhouette and it's of great quality. The exact opposite could be said of this POS. This "Version 2" (I shudder to even call it that) looks like it was sculpted by infected monkey's from 28 days later. It's been severely beaten with an ugly stick.


Now if you could make a mask like this:


Uhhh... I think you might be a little out of the loop:



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They have the Sykes mask aswell?



And 100$ for a mask that looks.. Well.. Not that good..



Why's it got a disappointed expression? Self esteem issues linked to it's poor appearance? :P


Also the Rios mask looks WAY thin, and looking down is right out of the question.

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