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King Arms Sig 556 any one?


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Saw the annucement on Airsoft-News.eu


Quote from Airsoft-News.eu

Now it is official: KA announced arrival of KA SIG 556. We did catch an unofficial announcement (with announcement of proprietary SIG magazines), but now it is as official as official can get. Supersize for details.




another AEG to my need to buy list, but i hope you don't have to use proprietary mags tho otherwise it can remove it's self from the need to buy list :/

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I hope they have a Dark Earth/Tan version in their production line..


On the other hand it will take a while till they come out with that 556 specific mag but this would undoubtedly be a great addition to any armory.


Any ETA announcements?







I wish VFC made one... T_T!!

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I thought I remembered reading somewhere that it was indeed going to use proprietary mags... but if I'm mistaken, I'll definitely pick one up. (Hopefully they'll release the folding stock version at some point, or at least accessories to convert it. :) )





Yep.... such a shame...


Now it is official: KA announced arrival of KA SIG 556. We did catch an unofficial announcement (with announcement of proprietary SIG magazines), but now it is as official as official can get. -airsoft news
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Why would this gun use proprietary magazines?


The real gun is Stanag compatible.


I believe KA is just releasing the SIG .556 magazines that they created for their 556 release which happen to be terrible in real steel format but that certainly doesnt matter in airsoft.

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If it doesnt use STANAG Mags then ill be getting the JP one, otherwise rock on KA, I wonder if the battery goes in the forgrip or stock, im guessing foregrip due to the fact that they say intellect 1400 MAH mini but either way this looks prime for a lipo.

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At the same time real steel shooters go wild dropping cash to convert their 556's to sig 550/551/552 type lookalikes.


Thats true, I'm that way with my 556. However, I like being able to use ar mags over sig.

My motives more with adding things however are, fish gill handguards were fugly, stock was a POS, iron sights are junk.

Because of this ive added a 551 guard, Magpul UBR, and aftermarket diopters respectively.

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There's a point, tell me if I'm going blind but where's the rear site on that picture in the OP? By the looks of the pics below it, it would seem to pop up out of the rail?


Yup, replaced mine with a diopter because the original "sight" not sure if I can even call it that, was teh suck.


Thin, flimsy, and ugly.

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