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H.E.R.A. GCC Glock Carbine Conversion


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Highgrade European Research for small Arms; bit of acronym fail on their part, should really be H.E.R.S.A. <_< Half tempted myself to relocate the "S" to the front and... never mind (my cosplayer side is showing again).


I was just recently introduced to this particularly new invention by Victory over at the Magpul PTS FPG (FMG9) news page. From there I duped pitched the idea to a friend of mine wanting a KSC MP7 but lacking the funds for it. He instantly loved it save for the non-folding stock bit, but he gave me the green light none the less and maybe sort out a custom side folding mechanism for his copy later on. For now, I'm making the master copy for myself, as faithful to the real thing as I could possibly make without ever having held or seen a real one in my life. I only have photos as scale guides which weren't easy to use considering I couldn't find the specifications of the real thing anywhere. I'm using 3 main photos for scaling and its really frustrating as the degree of error between the photos go by up to 5% so I have to take the average of the three. Thankfully though, the design itself isn't very complicated so progress has been going steadily and I should be able to finish up within a weeks time. Most of the time is actually spent scratching my head, figuring out dimensions for parts unseen in the few available photos.


Day 1, Sunday: cutting out two main sides



Day 2, Monday: bridged two main sides with spine (3pcs), corrected overly large ejection port




Day 3, Tuesday: made the charging handle bolt, slotted into place, made the deflection shield




*slide and bolt in full retract


That's it for now. Was supposed to make the charging handle spring assembly tonight but laziness got the better of me.

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That's an interesting project you have there, something quitet different to the usual conversions.

What material are you using (ABS/PVC/etc) and how are you forming the bends/folds?


I was thinking that for an AEP Glock, it could be made so it clipped in place on the pistol in the same way the slide clips onto it, and in place of the original slide.


Looking good so far, good luck with the rest of the build.

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and dammit.

I have been working on this very bloody thing.


A slightly different route, via a single piece of ABS or something, and either rough cut it all out, or (if I get it drawn correctly) CNCd


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Might be easier to make them in halves. I believe that's how the real thing is made as evidenced by the seam line along the whole thing. What I couldn't figure out though is that while it has retaining screws on the front right side, any screws on the rear are absent other than the one for the sling point (maybe covered by the neoprene cheek pad?). So it looks like the two halves are permanently glued together like AUG and P90 stocks.


Slow on progress for today: tidied up my work space (floor) and fashioned the underside where the rail attaches to.





About its connection points, it attaches via the dust cover rail and through a pin above the trigger pin. And those angles in mine aren't molded folds. While ideally it should be made from a single piece, I opted the easier route of segmenting them to get them sharp. The technique has proven itself durable and is used across all my previous PVC builds. The material is PVC by the way, the blue kind specifically (for potable water I think). I find it to have the best physical characteristics almost equal to abs in durability. I played around with orange and black/gray PVC before and those were too brittle.

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Progress Days 4-7:

done with the spring assembly for the charging handle bolt



closed off the bottom and rear




and fashioned the 2nd retention pin


Although as I've found out, the KSC (I'm using a china Glock in my case) Glocks don't have a solid pin on top of the trigger pin which should be replaced with just a longer piece for fitting the kit. Instead, I had to attach 2pcs of flat head grub screws on either side. It's rock solid now even without the forward clamp yet.

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More ground covered. Can't recall when I made them in the past week.


I decided to make pvc rails as having them in aluminum gets everything front heavy. I save around 300-400g not to mention the machining cost to have them made from metal.



Partly done with the rail clamp.



Made the muzzle out of GI pipe.



Had to redo the charging handle bolt because the old one doesn't allow the mounting of screws on top for the rails. Also permanently glued the guide rod to the bolt for ease of assembly.



Rails just put into position for looks, not yet attached.


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In that case, I might have just the thing for it: butchered suppressor and adapter from my JG BAR-10G (turning that one into an SMLE). Will be useless without an extended inner barrel however as the kit works pretty much like an acoustic chamber and makes a hell of a lot more noise. Louder than my GBB M4 even.


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Was able to go to screw heaven yesterday and got myself a handful of pretty Allens. A shame though that it took me nearly 3 hours just to set the nuts in as I had to melt them into the receiver using a soldering iron. At least now I know that next time I should mount the nuts while the parts are still in pieces. <_<




The only things left for me to do now are to make the rear sling point, make the mid sling point (optional, I might not make one for myself), find some way to apply the HERA trades and the cosmetic grooves along the body and the butt, paint, and stick on foam rubber padding for the cheek and butt pad.

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Wow. This is very cool, Im considering building one myself. How difficult/easy is the PVC to work with?


Came across this when looking at the HERA thought it looked very cool and maybe build one of these? I may go down that route.



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How solid are the RIS Rails, being made out of PVC? Able to stand up to the strees of things gripping on them (especially on the side ones)?

Strong enough to hold 4kg of gun (my M4+M203) with only two screw points. I haven't tested it breaking point though.


I think you've done the first two-tone home-build! :P ...Maybe.

Not if I put on a blue helmet :P


How are you cutting the plastic? and what colors do you plan on painting it?

PVC is cut using a jigsaw or a hacksaw if the part is small enough not to need electricity. I'm pretty unimaginative when it comes to color preference so mine's going to be plain black.


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I've decided to forgo the decorative grooves and the HERA trademarks as I couldn't imagine any easy way for me to do it (I thought of a way believe you me, but it entails a small chisel and 6 hours of scraping madness!). I might apply the trades via dry transfer which would contrast nicely against the flat black, but even that's just a maybe. The foam rubber padding is stuck on with double sided tape; never underestimate the handiness of the stuff. The charging handle used to be a drawer pull purchased from the hardware. As for the silencer, I'm still looking into modifying the one I have as I have no purpose for it anyway.







My order from Zahal.org finally arrived but I was disappointed in finding out that the magazine attachment is not compatible for KSC Glock mags despite being made for a Glock. The mag is too narrow. Shown below just for looks, I'll find some way to make an adapter of sorts.


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