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Everything posted by ultimentra

  1. You can buy the real sword GB and drop it in for cheap, like 80 bucks!
  2. That is freaking awesome. I am so jealous of your amazing AK right now.
  3. Im trying, all I have access to at the moment is a cell phone camera. And, the G36 flash hider looks surprisingly good on it (in my opinion) despite it being "incorrect". I will post more as soon as I get access to an actual camera.
  4. My team patch (Commandos is for 49th Commando Grenadiers) with my nametape and morale patch- My teams custom t-shirts-
  5. Cell phone picture of my CA proline P90 with my FAPC P90 rig. The P90 is covering up a grenade pouch on the upper right corner of the rig that I use for radio/grenades.
  6. Cell phone picture of my HK 416
  7. Howd you put that folding stock on the Type 56? I have a 56-2 and I have been wanting to switch the stock on mine for a triangular russian stock or a Tantal stock like yours.
  8. Thats actually really freaking cool. Do you have any reference pics your going off of? Never seen the SEALs use the MP7 before.
  9. I am able to fit 2 double mag pouches on my plate carrier (so 4 in all), and I am using a compact one with no sides, just a front and back. I believe its called an OE Tech Compact Plate Carrier. Also, you can get a drop leg MOLLE plate form that will hold two mag pouches, OR you can get thevestguys special made 3 pouch P90 drop leg. Just google thevestguy and youll find his site.
  10. I like the smiley and frowny faces on your medic pouch Darklite
  11. Please excuse the hair on top of the goggles, camera man caught me when the top of the balaclava had just so happened to be riding up.
  12. My top button on my propper multis pants tore off last game
  13. Sometimes the P90 RIS looks ugly as hell, but other times, its looks really freaking sexy.
  14. How is the external quality on that SRC 416 by the way? I am kind of weighing between the Top Tech and the SRC. Top Tech has features like the bolt catch, blow back, and such, how do you think the SRC stacks up?
  15. I am really thinking about going back to the idea of getting a 97 unless I can get a better deal for something else. It seems that the 97 just doesn't have any of the problems that the FN2k, Tar21, are riddled with. Makes it hard for someone who wants an STANAG bullpup that isn't an L85.
  16. I know you guys can't really see much in these pics, but this is my 34th Spetsnaz loadout from OP Grozny 2. I don't have the money invested in real steel russian helmets and all, but its the best I can do for right now. Feedback welcome. Russian Flora Woodland cap OD chest rig Tan underarmor balaclava (I am in the desert most of the time) Real Sword Type 56-2 (YES I know its chinese but its a performance thing. Besides, its an AK) FlakJaks Watching the six (im on the right) Holding position Me moving position Me behind the bushes Me on the right, My team mate beside me
  17. Damn it! If I had the extra cash I would buy, and also your in the UK and Im in the US so that would be a problem too.
  18. Wow, that G3 actually looks really cool.
  19. This thread is so awesome. I love IDF stuff.
  20. I had pics like some of these up and the mods took them down because they weren't deemed "good enough" or something stupid like that. I like them though, just don't get mad if other people in this thread say different.
  21. I would be really interested to see what a P90 TR looks like with MBUS rear and front sights.
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