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Bad experiences with poor sports?


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First time i ever played, i wanted to make a good impression so the guys at the site would let me come back, so i was calling any thing i thoguht mite of possibly been a hit. Better safe that sorry. Things that were clearly ricochets, ect. But soon as i got back to the safe zone, a guy with a VSR and M3 shotgun singles out the 14 year old newbie with the rental M4, and comes over the ###### me about how all noobs cheat. My brother and the two guys we're sharing a kit bench with stick up for me, but this guy wont have it. After i while he gets ###### and walks off but a few threats reach me.

Next match, I'm running with my brother and we crouch behind this barricade. Quite clearly we see a barrel sticking through the fence, so i pop round the corner aiming my M4. The same guy is lying there oblivious to me and my bros presence. So i put the barrel of my rifle against his arm, and call 'bang' quite clearly. This guy looks up at me like I'm mad, so i say it again. this time he puts his VSR down, picks up his shot gun and stands up. Ive ducked down and started playing again, so im very surprised to see this guy jump out and give me all 3 barrels at point blank range about 2 secs later. My bro isnt too pleased so gives him two quick chest shots, and then gets the 'overkill' rant. We tried to stay out of his way the rest of the day, but i havnt seen him since, so i havnt had to worry about him.


This is a classic example of the almost prejudice way that many airsofters regard rentals and kids. Look at the previous threads on this topic and youll c wt i mean. They're not ALL bad :P remeber, we were all one once! :P

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Well I got one hell of a story for you guys. I went to a cqb site and it was 40 on 40, I felt the game was getting to slow so I kicked it up a notch and sprinted full speed to the left side. I surrendered at least 7 people right when they were starting to stack up (there is a 5 feet rule if your muzzle was pointed at each other, your both out) and I caught them with their guns and pants down. I went behind their front lines and started surrendering people and took out all 40 by myself(some I shot, but mostly I surrendered). 2 white guys in a 8 man team did not believe me and just said "yea right you can't surrender me" so I stepped back 10 feet and shot them both on their back. They got mad and cried to the ref's, and owner. I was almost banned from the site because their "team" said I was shooting closer than 10 feet and accused me of cheating. Its a crazy feat I did, but they did not have to cry over it. They were probably just drinking too much haterade.

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Well, one time I was playing a small game against a team who was defending a hill. Most of my team got out, so I was at the base hiding behind a translucent net of sorts. For some reason beyond me (I guess they say me working on my CA M15 and thought I was unable to react) they came all the way down in column formation to hide beyond a rock directly in front of me because I think they also thought there were still some other guys on my team left. So, naturally, I picked up my cousin's Mp5 which I happened to have on me since he was filming that game and proceed to spray the entire five man team. They all sort of look at me for a minute and then one of the guys takes a grenade for a grenade launcher from his buddies vest, runs with it up to point blank of my tarp and I duck. He primes the grenade and 80 bbs fly...and hit the net and promptly bounce off. Amazed at my luck, I pick up my M15 and let off three rounds into him. He stares at me and I tell him "Sorry man, but you hit the net and not me." He then says, "So? If it was a real greande you would be dead now" (Now let's keep in mind folks this is an M203 40mm grenade that he just primed with his bare hands. Speechless, I just walk back to my team's respawn point, load up a hi-cap into my cousin's AE Mp5 all while furiously cussing about how we should just rush the little pricks.


So, with my friend keeping them busy on the left side of the hill, the whole rest of our small team runs up the left. One guy goes down from going up beyond the cover. My captain runs out of ammo, so my brother and I rush the first foxhole of who's occupant was using his M14 as a DMR and unfortunately for him, he couldn't keep up with my unslaught of relentless full auto spraying (normally I don't do this, but I was ###### and didn't care at this point) he calmy takes his hit and calls out. Up at the top of the left side of the hill now, my brother and I hit the dirt as the rest of the team starts targeting us...well...at least I hit the dirt while my brother crouched right on top of a small cactus. Needless to say, he was out for the count. The guy who we got out with the M14 immediately ran up to help my brother while I ran up to rush the rest of the team. With two quick bursts I take out two more opponets who respawn almost insantly as their spawn was at the peak. Dropping down in prone I take this time to wind my hi-cap some more. I pop up, and hose about ten rounds into one guy who was crawling up on me. His buddy then runs around the other side of the hill out of my sight. So, I sneak around his flank and light him up with a quick burst. The last guy remaining, who tried to rush me with a grenade, then just walks off the field to the safe zone. I then realized I had taken the hill and eliminated almost the whole other team single handedly. I walked down to meet my team who were all smiling and patting me on the back. I don't think I've had another day go from crappy to awesome in such a short amount of time.


Now, looking back, I give the benefit of the doubt to the other team in the instance where I could of sworn I hit them as I could have forgotten to wind the hi-cap I had. The other team were a pretty cool bunch of guys. It was just that one guy who almost ruined the entire game (even after the game he was going off about how our whole team had cheated and how we all should bow down to his incredible airsofting skills <_< ). I'm pretty sure after that event my whole team was in agreement that we had never met anyone before in our whole lives who was in more dire need of a good beating. Naturally we're above that, but even after a year, if I even mention the kid's name, every one of my teammates grits their teeth, and makes fists. :P

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I've suffered a few 'sense-of-humour-failures', but it usually just entails me walking off the respawn point for a sulk. There has only been one time where I've walked off the site in disgust. I'd been on site for about 2 hours.


It was at a paintball site that was doubling up as an airsoft site, but clearly the site operator hadn't given any more thought to it other than he could double his money. We were playing paintball games, in small netted paintball 'arenas', and I mean small enough that at the start of the games, with both teams at each end of the play area, both teams were in full view of each other. We were quite literally playing 'paintsoft'.


Anyway, in the safety briefing the site owner paid special attention to how headshots and shooting people in the face were a no-no. There was more emphasis on that point than at any other site I'd been to. As we were playing I kept getting shot in the head and face. I shrugged it off and kept telling myself I was just being unlucky that day. But the more it happened themore annoyed I got. There was a big case of cheating going on as well, the worst bit was it was the site regulars. It came to a head when my team stormed an enemy position, and I put a short burst into one of these 'regulars'. The range was close enough to be sure I was scoring hits. He didn't take his hit, so I shot him again, at which point he turns round and shoots me in the face.


I just turned round and stormed off the site and left. I'd been on site for about 2 hours. I know how it must have looked from the other side of it - "aww, poor geardo got shot and can't take it" (I was in my new multicam rig, complete with MC plate carrier, bowman headset and spray painted FAMAS). I think I did quite well not to go after the guy ranting and raving, I was absolutly furious.

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I've been standing with my hands up & hit, the enemy (4 14yr olds or so in trainers) came up to my position.. my team mates opened up on them, I stood there watching BB's bouncing off them and they only called their hits once I told them to! Errm you're hit, so are you and you and you!

Makes you wonder what they get up to when nobody is around!

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Oh, the noob thing reminded me. One site where I played regularly, I introduced one of my friends to airsoft there.


First day there, he got accused of cheating. Second day there the same. So we strongly queried the management and were promptly told that my friend playing in jeans and a jumper may be the reason. People see he isnt in camos and assume hes a noob and therefore a cheat.


Third day, he borrowed some BDUs...not one complaint. Odd that.

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Oh, the noob thing reminded me. One site where I played regularly, I introduced one of my friends to airsoft there.


First day there, he got accused of cheating. Second day there the same. So we strongly queried the management and were promptly told that my friend playing in jeans and a jumper may be the reason. People see he isnt in camos and assume hes a noob and therefore a cheat.


Third day, he borrowed some BDUs...not one complaint. Odd that.


Lol, maybe they didn't recognize him without the jeans xD.

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Either that or they were scared. Im 5ft 10 and was close on 18st. Mark was an inch taller and 7st. We look like a scruffy Oliver & Hardy.


At the 3rd game I stood up after the safety brief and told everyone that Mark had offered to play in shorts only so he wouldnt have a problem with not feeling clothing hits. But that as his friend, if he did that then I would have to do the same.


They declined the offer.

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When I started to play airsoft at my local site, I was accused of cheating every weekend. But what I was doing was playing tactically.


I would move round the opposition with stealth and shoot them in the backs. (Everything was made easy because they didn't watch their backs- and they wouldn't learn from their mistakes.) Or I would move roughly to the middle of the site and hide. They would move past me, so I was behind them again and so, they lost a lot of players.


But the thing that really caused arguments was speed. When they say "go", I would run right up the side of our site until I was behind them. This would take about 1 minute tops. By this time, they have decided where they are going and eventually start playing. By the time they were moving, I am behind them.


Eventually, I had enough with the constant whispering behind my back about my apparent cheating and got a couple of the guys that were moaning and told them to switch teams and stick with me. I showed them what I did, told them to keep up and taught them the do's and don'ts. (eg. when you see somebody, you don't HAVE TO shoot. If you attack, you get compromised and then things get messy.)


After that single game, they apologised and since then, I barely get accused of cheating. You could tell that was one of their best games of airsoft they have ever had! :)


Oh, also, I agree with GuzziHero about guys without BDU's. They do get accused a lot more! And it is the same in Spain but with foreigners (like me!).

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Two accounts of sportsmanship from me. First up was a friend of mine who took a hit, and ignored it - i called to him that he'd been hit (thinking he didn't feel it) to which he decided to carry on playing.

Later in the day I found the guy who shot him (destinctive M4A1 setup, i hit him a moment after he got the drop on us) and introduced my friend and the shooter. Needless to say, it took a spear tackle to stop my friend during the ensueing arguement.. haven't asked him to airsoft with me again..


Second experience was one of my own, taking a sniper shot from somewhere, I look about and not seeing anyone call the hit spotting the BB in the mud by my feet. Giving a thumbs up to the unseen sniper, i walk of the field to the safe zone. Two hours later, a ghillied man approaches 'did you give a thumbs up when i shot you?', 'yes' i reply. 'Good sport' he says, 'let me buy you a pint!'


Easiest way to a snipers heart - acknowledge hits :P

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to reverse the bad experiences and tell a good experience...


we were playing a ctf game and most of the action was going on halfway between the flags. I took a hit and went back to my flag to respawn, upon walking towards it I noticed a few opposition players creeping towards it. They had obviously worked around the back, I decided to continue to my flag, I respawned, waved to acknowledge them then walked back to the main firefight. I thought it would be unsporting to engage them as I only knew of their whereabouts due to me being dead. was later thanked for it, even though they did not succeed.

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Ive had a few bad experiences with people looking down on you for your choice of kit.

For instance my friend and i were kitting up ready and a group of 'regulars' were making very loud and obvious degrading comments about my STAR m249. I know its not the best in the world but It has never gone wrong with me.


We managed to hold off a big group of the opposing team whith us dug into a bunker untill I was hit when I heard 'How does it feel to be hit by a real full metal m249?' to which I replied 'about a few hundered quid cheaper!'.


Although the magority of players are really friendly and if you have an interesting piece of kti will come over for a look, but there are alwyas a few snobs now and then who look down their nose at your choice of loadout.

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...untill I was hit when I heard 'How does it feel to be hit by a real full metal m249?' to which I replied 'about a few hundered quid cheaper!'.

:lol: Now, that is funny! From my experience those sort of people are the first to get thier guns broken thinking it can take much more thrashing because it cost more- they don't treat it with care and when it breaks they don't have a clue in fixing it and make it much worse!

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This didn't happen to me but to a friend who was ten foot in front of me, we had gone to an urban site and where storming the main building and nearly completed our objective but to do so we had to clear a couple of rooms out that the OPFOR had retreated into.


My mate burst into a room and took the single OPFOR by suprise and shot him with a three round burst to the guys right side. Thinking that was it my mate started to lower his weapon when the guy turned and shot my mate in the face with a hot weapon at close range on fully auto. At that point I had to restrain my mate and drag him outside where we then left cause the guy who did it was the site operator and my mates face was bleeding from where the rounds hit his face.


Only time i have ever seen bad sportmanship and since that we never returned to the site again deciding to go to other sites we know and trust to operate in a more proffesional manner.

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