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Halo movie


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DOnt get me wrong, i like halo, but its not super deep, lol


Ringworld seems like a good read, ive seen the books in libraries but never bothered, knew about um b4 halo, thought halo would be based off them when i actually saw the halo, in halo, but its not, anywho...i forgot what i was gonna say...i hate it when that happens, damn you Zarmagen!

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I played Halo and read Ringworld. They are quite similar, but Halo didn't have anyware near as good a story as Ringworld. After playing Halo I was kinda like "oh. thats it then..." They should of had more explenation about the ring etc.


By the way, I really like Halo too. And the movie will probably rock, especially with Jackson at the helm.

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When a computer-game based movie is better than Starship Troopers/Aliens then I will start paying attention. By 'good' I mean Effect on the viewer, Memorability of story as well as action and adventure.


I use Starship Troopers as an axample because it has most of teh good point from Halo that I liked (big ships, big guns, a large-scale war [which you hardly see in Halo]) and was still enjoyable, gory, action-packed and had a feeling of grandness that's hard to convey in words.. and Denise Richards


I remember liking other game-based films, but don't remember the plots and those were usually based on games I liked in the first place.


If the Halo film just concentrates on MC and several survivors fighting towards objective X then it will be rubbish. If it takes a more multi-threaded approach then you can still have MC being super-hard and killing 24/7 but teh story is played out by other characters so as not to dilute what MC does (if you get what I mean)


More about the world and (hopefully) some new enemies that are anatomically viable and also blessed with brains (interstellar flight but can't make weapons or armour to match 10% of ONE Earth trooper? Pffht)


Basically if they keep it close to levels 2-3 of Halo it might be ok to watch with or without your brain engaged.


(To those of you who can't see why I link Starship Troopers and Aliens then just choose 2 of your own favorite sci-fi/action films that involve space-tech etc)

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On a side note: anybody else read the "halo 3 leaked script"? Bungie deny it, but if it is fan-fiction, its very well thought out.


Also, the MC should be like darth vader, just a big body-builder, who's face is never seen, and voiced the the VG actor.


And i think they shpuld either make the film, the Fall of Reach, or the 3rd book (the name escapes me at the mo), so that people who see the film can go home and play the game.

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Last I heard Alex Garland (off 28 days later, amoung others) was doing the script.


I probly won't see the films, but if it is popular in japan/hk...






...Forgive me for being a dunce, but wasn't the MA5B the most innaccurate thing since the Klobb in Goldeneye?

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...Forgive me for being a dunce, but wasn't the MA5B the most innaccurate thing since the Klobb in Goldeneye?



Thats why it kicks *albatross*.


It's overly big, and sucks unless your good.


Like the A-Team van's spoiler "We better put this on, or our van will go at such as speed it might lift off the ground!"



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I've only ever played Halo 2 with friends (mulitplayer but through the main game), and never by myself, but I did once drop by to give back a borrowed DVD (about 6pm) and ended up sitting in an attic till 3 in the morning drinking my twelfth cup of tea...


So, I do think the game is good enough, and I will probably see the film if it looks alright too.

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...Forgive me for being a dunce, but wasn't the MA5B the most innaccurate thing since the Klobb in Goldeneye?

In the game, yes.

In "Real" Life it's just as accurate as a M4 or possibly a M16.

It uses a Helmet Linkup for actual aiming and can also display a targeting reticule where the ammo indicator is.

Usually in games they dumb down all of the weapons.

Like in Halo 2 the BR-55 is accurate to about 100 meters until the accuracy suffers. In real life shooting a 9.6mm round, with a barrel on par with the FAMAS' it should be accurate well past 300m.

But if it were like that in the game I'd be ###### if I was getting picked off by a speck on my TV.



I really hope that it follows the actual story line (If you've read all 3 books then you'll understand this.)

I'd love to see a CCS Battle Cruiser or a Human Destroyer. And it'd be awesome of they showed some Spartan IIs and debuted the Spartan IIIs. John Leguizamo would make a great Mendez.

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