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EBayBanned AEG sale plans stalled


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As Paul wrote in a recent e-mail:

I think most of the buyer heard before China AEG factory will got problem on shipping during the Olympic Games .


The problem really occur last week, CYMA factory is forced to close and move to another place. So i have to stop my AEG selling plan before the opening of Olympic Games ( 8 Aug, 2008).


Dboy and some JG factory ( they have 6 factory) is temporarily stop to before 8 Aug. But the Combat gear and the Element items are not affected.


Please wait few days more for my airsoft.

In other words, we may encounter some AEG supply problems during August - the production will be limited, so once the HK shops go out of current stock, sourcing new one will be difficult.

Don't worry, this is not the end of the world. Once the whole circus stuff with Olympic Games is over, things will be back to normal. Maybe even something new pops up.

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lets not all go through clone withdrawl symptoms, they'll be back soon. Perhaps now we can all spend our hard earned $$ on the stuff we actually need :D

Hmm you're right *renews subscription to brazzers.com*

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Suddenly, I get the urge to support the Chinese Olympic games.



did anyone notice in his sig? under his loadout he has a KJW M700P

hypocrisy ftw!


back on topic:

I was half expecting something like this, I dont think its anything to panic about


I heard the reason the factories have been closed to reduce air pollution for the games, sounds quite reasonable to me!

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I heard the reason the factories have been closed to reduce air pollution for the games, sounds quite reasonable to me!


Yup, shame it's not working. This place is *fruitcage*ed up. My appartment is a few miles from the airport, some days I can hear a plane but can't see it. When the smog lifts it is great here, but their doesn't seem to be any pattern to it.



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I must have a lucky hand for gashes then. JLS F2000 didn't die on me yet, EG707 going strong despite my shooting habits straight out of "Hard Boiled" and when the valve in EG720 fell apart, I put it back together without problems. Not mentioning my ex when I... O SHI-!

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