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Replica CMORE railway sights on Ebaybanned.com


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I did a quick search and didnt see a topic on these... Anyway, I have always liked the look of CMORE sights, especially the "railway" sights and Ebaybanned are stocking them from the 16th of September. I will probably wait for a few reviews before I drop 50 quid on one. Unfortunately, I dont see a tan edition, which would look pretty sick on my Masada, but they dont seem to have one advertised..


The black version:




The different colours available:



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Oohh yes yes yes! :D


The C-More is my all time favorite red dot, and long have I waited for a replica! Now if only they'd replicate the C-More Tactical with the built in chopped carry handle style BUIS for the AR platform I'd be in red dot heaven. Still though, fantastic to see a C-More replica on the market.

I shall have to buy one!

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Looks just like the real C-Mores I've owned as far as I can tell. Same finish to the plastic too. The real ones all have plastic bodies in that same finish too, except for the more expensive aluminum versions that is. All my real C-More sights were the plastic versions though ^_^

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It isn't...

I'm an IPSC shooter and very few race guns use 1913 rails on the top of the slide.


Let me rephrase that-perfect for an IPSC pistol that have a scope mount with a 1919 picatinny rail. Like Guarders', etc. You know what I meant, lol! If the bottom mount of this scope is removed, you may also fit it on some RS Cmore scope mounts.


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