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Chinese HUGGER Plate Carrier @ Gunner


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I'm not ASSuming anything. I'm using my *eyeballs* to look at the *molle* thats right front and center in the *picture* in the Original Topic of the product.


You know, the molle thats: tilted, irregular, offset, too-wide and/or too-narrow row on row?


You know, the stitching on this:




The product the original thread is about?


That stitching.


To re-iterate: good luck threading your pouch straps thru that garbage.


(Did you even read the OT or click the product link, or did you just ASSume?)

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You could feed molle through that no problem. Mag pouches on the bottom 3, admin or whatever on the top 3.


Looks about right for $25.

you ever tried threading pouch straps thru molle sections that are stitched too close together? I have. Get back to me when you do it "just fine".

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  • 4 weeks later...


I just looked at Gunners Site and saw a chinese replica of the Vel-Tye HUGGER Plate Carrier !

Here is the link over to Gunner Airsofts replica http://www.gunnerairsoft.com/catalog/produ...roducts_id=1909


Looks rather cheap :(





What they are calling a Vel-Tye Hugger, as you know, is not. We found it on a China/Hong Kong site over a year ago. This new "American" site that has it is hosted in Hong Kong, and wouldn't suprise us to learn that it is related to the other company. It is however much cheaper then the first one we found. I could go into the things that are wrong with it but many of you already know. For a VERY low priced rig, it won't hurt our feelings or Steve's (owner of Vel-Tye), if you buy it. If you want the real thing you know where to go.


If you have any questions about the Hugger or other custom work that Vel-Tye does please contact us at support@veltye.com We have many military, as well as non-military that use our products for airsoft and paintball.

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