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Madbull UAV


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well there are many more open fields around, admittedly the UK tends to be in forest, but certainly in america if you can get it flying 50-75m up then only a sniper can even engage it at that height and you'd have to be pretty douchy to be taking aimed shots like that at someone's expensive toy. Otherwise UAVs are jsut good fun to show off and off some use in more open fields where you can mount a half decent wireless connection to the command team on the ground. But overall, lets face it, its just too look cool flying up there :P

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just a reminder but you probably need to be certified to fly a model aircraft over people , without which your insurance would almost certainly be voided.

You do not need a license in the UK. However if you injure or damage property with it you will be subject the usual laws that may apply where you are negligent.

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In the US you don't need insurance to fly over people, that does quite the opposite, it voids it. But this is what I have to say, having a quad copter and sticking a camera on it sounds simple, but it's not, and in all honesty a quadcopter is not what you want to use for areal surveillance, that is why so few have been effectively implemented in military or LEO use, the dragonfly is one of the few that has. Quadcopters are unstable, finicky, extremely delicate, and on top of that they don't fly for very long, I would expect one that will fly for over 10 mins to run close to $1k USD without any sort of payload be that several Kilos or several grams.


If you are going to half *albatross* this, toss a camera and 2.4ghz transmitter in a $100 chinese foam aircraft and be done with it, just call it an FPV (first person view) aircraft not a UAV so you don't have to worry about the regulations and legality of flying it.


If you are really going to do this you need to go Ottopilot, Paparazzi, Picopilot, and if you are on a budget Ardu Pilot, for truly autonomous flight. But you are limited by FAA and other regulations stipulating the operating spaces you can use, and various other items. I'm not entirely sure how regulations are in the UK, I now most of the EU can send these between countries without violating ITAR terms, but I seem to remember something about the UK policy makers debating on weather or not private citizens can own this technology.

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so....hard to transport, expensive, fragile, hard to fly, and a short air time...



this is destined for failure. uav's are awesome in concept but the problem is they are less then practical on the pay scale us airsofters tend to play. there is a reason only governments tend to use them and only in limited quantity.

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that is classified as weaponizing an aircraft and is illegal in the US, you can get in a lot of trouble for that, if it's a UAV and not just an RC aircraft you violate international regulations and can go up for some serious penalties....

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This is our "FUN" project. The first test fly is 8 months ago. (indoors)

We make this for FUN and maybe....if we make it good and cheap enough, we may jump into the defense market....(who knows) :)

I've got a better money maker for you: TDI KRISS GBB replica. Now that will sell.

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