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A&K SVD CO2 conversion


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So I was looking through E Hobby asia and I found this:



It came up all of a sudden and I haven't heard any prior news of it before.


I thought you russian gear guys might like this. I know my local AK lover will.


Please delete if this has already been mentioned else where.

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Would this fit the A to Z cargo SVD? I saw no need to purchase an A & K SVD which essentially is a clone of the A to Z.


Regarding the chrono results; I saw the varience as well, but out of 5 or so shots only the first was 450 or so. All the rest were in the 500s. Too hot for our field unfortunetly. :(

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I would like to think that the first shot may have ricochet inside the tube which may have caused the drop in fps for the first shot but remained consistent for the rest of the shots. Happened to me once using the same model chrony


As for the kit, seems to be an easy way to make a gas sniper. My question is how is the range and accuracy?

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  • 2 weeks later...

the alternative is not being able to use it in the uk.


Honestly, you would be better off buying a tweaking a RealSword SVD over getting the co2 kit and a a&k svd.


or buy a archery finger guard and built up those arm muscles.


Ill stick to my VSRs and possibly one of the new Snow wolf M24's (i have a type 96 piston lying about i think would fit into it)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I am still trying to decide if this kit is worth it or not. It costs almost as much as the gun itself. And I have no issues pulling the bolt back at all as it is now. I would however like a little higher FPS but this SVD also takes regular AEG upgrade springs. So it might be easier and cheaper to just put a bigger spring in it. Sure it will be more difficult to pull the bolt back but you gain consistency.


I think i will hold off a little while until I see more videos of shots from this kit then make my decision to spend the money.


~Joker out....

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