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About Wingmann

  • Rank
    The evil twin
  • Birthday April 28

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    Pamplona, Navarra

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  1. AK-104 modernized in a Western way.
  2. I'd post in the HK thread, but this one is less used
  3. Wingmann


    It mutates and mutates and mutates...
  4. This kit was probably a 2020 one, maybe late 2019.
  5. I used the stock one. I don't recall having problems with it, really. What I had to change was the outer barrel. The Guarder one wasn't smooth at all with the action, but I tried a KJW one and it's like butter.
  6. Yes. I finally found the safety I was missing, which was the last part they released.
  7. Yeah, I'm not overly happy with it, although the Vector Forester is lighter than the VisionKing I have and it's worked for a whole morning without problems as it is. Ideally I want to find a mount that sits half between the Geissele 1.5 and the 1.93.
  8. Wingmann

    CZ Picture Thread

    I was tempted to post this in the AK thread and watch it burn, but I'll be a good boy and post here instead
  9. A teammate's Marui AKM GBBR with new furniture.
  10. Bitumen of Judea applied by scumbling (I had to look that up) strokes with a brush. Then they were sprayed with matt varnish.
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