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Everything posted by Bane

  1. anybody else starting to think there is weight to the rumors that WE make the guns with pure *suitcase* for internals just so RATECH can skim the profits off the aftermarket bits? Why doesent WE just spend that extra $50-60 ontop of the price of the gun and put decent *suitcase* inside it so you dont get these kind of breakages
  2. In-game, didnt even see the photographer
  3. Bane

    M14 Picture Thread

    Yeah i'm going to mix and match the colors a bit see what i can come up with. Had a feeling the color would be off by a bit but was worth a shot!
  4. Bane

    M14 Picture Thread

    None at all All the modding was in making the thing not creak whenever i picked it up. I put about 10 layers of fibreglass in every hollow inside the stock, then used layers of fibreglass and resin to glue the stock together, and put foam in the cavities up the front to prevent noise and give it a bit of filling
  5. Just realised doesent own a M16/M4 and never has, is there something wrong here?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. faramon


      HEY Fireknife and Hwagan .. I *fruitcage* Hate YOU GUYS! *SMILEY FACE MAKES IT OK*...


      Nothing wrong with disliking or liking AR ... only thing is if you like AR's you are going to burn in hell (says captain GIVE me my WE M16A1 NAO!)

    3. adadqgg


      Ar10- Yo Dawg, I heard you like handles...

    4. TheFull9


      ..so we put an handle insides your handle, so you can cock while you carry.

  6. Bane

    M14 Picture Thread

    Everything bar the stock and the rail is G&P. I just wanted a change in stock to something less common. So i went with what i could find (KART JAE-100) and threw all the KART externals and internals in the bin. The rail is Cyma, as for the color, i like it as it works well for NZ, if i could find a decent OD green i'd use that, but i find it highly irritating seeing the plethora of Dark Earth and tan loadouts in a country as green as this. Same as people using ACU - they stick out so bad its not funny.
  7. Bane

    M14 Picture Thread

    With the plethora of wood stocked and EBR M14's turning up i went for something different.. Still needs a little bit of work, but overall pleased with the result. Because NZ is quite lush native bush i went for a darker-than-normal green (Looks very much like a SV-98 color) dappled with black. With flash Grip was stippled using a 0-size pozidrive screwdriver tip held in a 80watt soldering iron to provide a slight "Cross' Shape, gives great grip. Original stock was a KART JAE-100, i seperated the halves and used fibreglass and a polyester resin to reinforce insi
  8. Performance reports to follow i suppose. 'Twas interested and with heavier ammo it shoots pretty accurate
  9. Was messing around with my WinGun, converted it to 8mm using modified real-steel 357 Magnum cases and an old bit of 8mm barrel from a M1 Garand. Was staring at it just now, and i was looking at the scope from my Rossi Puma 44 mag and got to thinkin'.. thats a long-eye releif scope.. and i have pistol rings somewhere..
  10. Update of an old gun.. She's GBB now. Needs a little more work, filing & finishing. Used SRC GBB internals, switched the gas system into my LCT AK-74, and put the electric internals into the SRC. Didnt like the SRC original paint, so reblued it (Care of a good friend who sold me the GBB second hand) everything dropped straight in without issue, and the SRC GBB system has proven to be incredibly consistent so i was quite happy witht he performance (In the Krinkov it was chronoing 325-330)
  11. Its beautiful enough and russian enough to be an Honorary AK. unlike that Arma.. Thing.. of Ckinnerly's.. i dont even know what to class it as. Its almost like a frankenstein's monster of the gun world..
  12. Yeah let me know about the spring OD as it may still be an AEG, just one of the more oddball ones, they do vary alot between manufacturers, i've had springs from one maker not fit in pistons made by another. OffT: Nah, what i meant by inaccuracy was the rifle shot a 3.5" group at 150m with the bayonet off, but with the bayonet on the grouping cut down to 1.5-2" due to canceling out harmonics, not a bad thing you may ask but it defeats teh purpose of having a "Carbine" when it shoots most accurately with the massive bayonet extended.
  13. Could you please measure the outer diameter of the original spring? Also just for reference, i just compared your photographs to a real Mosin sitting in the cupboard and i have to say that the finish on the airsoft one is actually -better- than the real one. Remember these rifles were made in the millions, quickly, and as cheaply as possible, and the wood varied drastically from whatever was available, and the finish was always random at best. The sad part about it all is that of the few M44 carbines i shot (Real ones) they actually shoot more accurately with the Bayonet on than off.
  14. springs usually are.. thats how every other gas rifle works
  15. Is currently shoehorning Escort GBB internals into an A&K M249... fun times

  16. Dan The VFC's run propane perfect, you'll find the problem will be between the barrel and the hopup, use teflon tape to secure it properly and prevent any wobble, the VFC design of hop any wobble between the barrel and hop leads to the hop self-adjusting per shot Also i replaced the barrel extension/chamber with a G&P one which had a slightly snugger fit. The VFC hop has more than plenty of adjustment in it so you shouldnt have to do the AGM mod to the bucking to give it more movement, if your not getting enough hop look at the barrel alignment.
  17. @Reppyboyo/Pixal the SocomGear is VFC based and awesome

  18. I'm sure i mentioned it at least once. One of my SVD's just had the sheetmetal mod, the other one was too far chewed up so i had to completely machine the sear flat, then screw on a new block to act as the catch part of the sear.. painstaking irritating work esp considering the crapmetal the sears are made from.
  19. I half regret selling my two but i couldnt justify having a Dragunov that wasent semi, and it was too weakly constructed to survive a GBB conversion. The mods i did to them are as Horseman said quite simple, if you can find a peice of 1mm thick steel (approximately) and form it over the sear, fix it down with a screw or two to stop it coming off, then remove it, heat it up red-hot, and dump it into some powdered up coal, rub it through until it starts to cool, then heat it up red-hot again, burning the coal into the steel, once thats done, while red hot, dump it in some cold water quickly.
  20. Finally got my hands on one of these monsters Build quality is impressive, solid, sturdy and reliable Aside from a minor crack on bolt where the retention key goes (VFC replaced free of charge) no major manufacturing issues Barrel and hop were wobbly and didnt fit properly, chrono reading before a simple fix was between 340 and 370 FPS, quite a wild variation. After inspecting the source i found the barrel/hopup misalign, which also meant due to the hop design that as the rifle fired the hop unit would "Self adjust" to a point. Using plumbers tape to seal the bucking and bui
  21. Bane

    BB Bastard NITES

    Would be interested in seeing some better tests in a properly accurized rifle.. and as said how much for 8 bb's?
  22. I have never, ever, EVER been a fan of AR's, of any kind, ever since their conception (Or spawning?) This, however, actually seems to sit somewhere quite "Right" with me. It looks PROPER. Gone are all the niggly little details that always bugged me about the AR platform.. even the LR300's retained some of the basic flaws to make them aggrivating.. this has everything the AR always seemed to say but never acheived, Simplicity. The combined rail-to-receiver, the simple quick-detatch barrel.. its all LOGICAL and SIMPLE! All in all, F'N NICE RIFLE! i would actually buy one! In fact,
  23. Sad day indeed Had to sell both my A&K SVD's.. i just couldnt justify them esp with financial trouble so the SVU conversion will have to die i'm afraid. & Horseman, sorry dude cant get you the sear mod pics.
  24. Hacksawed the scope off to keep and refit later using standard 20mm mounts, and then stuck the rest in a mill and butchered it Made an alloy block to sit between the RIS rail and the receiver, the RIS rail unbolts from the receiver, then i just epoxied the alloy block into place and used an epoxy resin mixed with microspheres as a filler, and painted over it with a watered down Loctite aluminium paste to give it a mettalic feel, and act like a fine filler I have to give it a few more coats and some more sanding to smooth the finish out though
  25. Another project recently "Finished" Not quite happy with the receiver surface finish, i have to go over it again and fill in the holes etc, but he was leaving for Australia and had to get it sorted. Wege if your reading this, i had to post it up Austeyr F88 (Note this was the "Current issue" version at the time i made this, they have since released a newer version)
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