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Everything posted by Grindstone

  1. If you're brand new to the sport and you announce you're going to host an Op, expect some constructive criticism

    1. Grindstone


      Especially if you can't string together one sentence that doesn't contain at least five grammatical errors

    2. Azubi
  2. I've recieved almost the same exact wound four years ago. I still have a thick bump in my ear where the cartilage scarred up. But it wasn't as painful as when I was shot in the nipple...
  3. Unfortunately, I didn't get a direct answer when I asked. He did try to get me to buy an M16/DMR RAP4 thing that was meant to be used in "Franklin and Bash" (I never heard of the show before). He's got a thread up on GGI with mentionings of Terminator Salvation, 24, Transformers, Jarhead, Pirates of the Carribean, Star Wars (did you know the Jawas used modified Enfields?) and other films, big and small including MW2: Frozen Crossing. Really quite interesting stuff. As I understand it, airsofts are much cheaper and easier (logistically and legally) to obtain, maintain, and utilize than blank-f
  4. Just bought two WE Co2 mags from a fellow who uses WE M4s and SCARs as film props. He said they were used as back ups to GG mags and were kept cold to produce more of a cloud out the ejection port. Apparently he's quite the fan of WE GBB airsofts as movie props.
  5. Excuse me while I go change my pants.
  6. I've been trying to remove the pin for the bolt catch, but it simply refuses to budge, even when pounding on it with a hammer. Any advice?
  7. There's no drama like airsoft drama

  8. Thanks for the info. I'm just looking at 12"+ rail options. The MB is a bit more than I'd like to spend on a rail, though. I might stick with my original plan on a 12" ACM Noveske.
  9. I take it real? Or are there clones available?
  10. Kojak, do you mind if I ask where you picked that up and for how much?
  11. Almost exactly what I plan to build, minus the URX. What brand scope is that? Same thing, what brand scope? Thanks.
  12. MadMax, totally looks like you ripped that off of those Revision testimonial ads. Well done! Bravo1nine: cool guys don't look at explosions.
  13. Issued, I take it? Love my issued polypro and flight longjohns. Now, if only I could get back to the size I was when they were issued What do you fellows wear under/with your duty uniform for cold weather?
  14. I need to stop reading political blogs. My blood pressure can't take it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grindstone


      xkcd covers everything

    3. WhiteHawksan


      if you're logically minded and are geeky enough to find maths funny xD

    4. Mike_West


      Where do I know that from.

  15. Thanks. I'm thinking of just hitting up a hardware store for some piping then doing the threading myself.
  16. notrabies, is that a mag tube extension on your Revision? If so, where'd you get it?
  17. Can't wait for the MOE for 870 to come out...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheFull9


      Wish I had an airsoft shotgun that could mount that stuff.

    3. Grindstone


      Get yourself a Maruzen M870. I've got a guy making steel parts to replace the ###### ones.

    4. Bando


      grip looks nice but the stock looks *albatross*

  18. Eat popcorn, spend rest of day pulling shards out of gums

  19. KSC/KWA G19s generally fit in any holster made for a G19, and even G17/18. I used to carry my KWA G19 in a BHI G17 SERPA.
  20. 6:1 scale? -or- "I shall call him... Mini-me" Also, Costa has his own clothing line? Shut up and take my money!
  21. In the 2nd pic, there's threading on the end of the valve. Could that indicate it's an NPAS? I guess a more practical way to figure it out would be to stick a hex wrench down the nozzle and see if it turns anything...?
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