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Exclusive images of the ICS FN FNC


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That goes against the release schedule I remember seeing a few months ago, which listed the L85, the SIG, the Galil and the MP5 all slated towards a 2008 release. Of course, ICS fell a bit behind the date for the L85. Maybe they realized that they were stretching their facilities too thin with the number of projects.

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Yeah, I guess. They will release the guns in that order? SIG, Galil, MP5 and FNC? Should be about 2 years away then.


Perhaps the FNC isn't such a hot release since every manufacturer seems never want to release them. VFC and G&G also said that they would built them too. Last I heard anything there seems like years ago...

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Well, it's understandable, as the FNC isn't brand new, covered in rails or featured on Future Weapons.


I wish ICS would make split gearboxes as accessories for existing guns by other manufacturers.

I want one for my G36... :(


Except it won't work in most other platforms (such as a G36) because it needs the body pins or the receiver to hold the gearbox together.

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Maybe you missed my point...


The pins holding the gearbox together go through the body and also hold the receiver together. No other gun has holes that line up with the gearbox like that. Even if they did, in most cases, it's either lacking the support on the top of the gearbox to hold down the upper or the body doesn't take down in a manner that provides any benefit to having the split gearbox. IE: SCAR-L. Body pins do not line up with the receiver and gearbox sits too low in the lower receiver to allow for the pins to be removed without removing the whole gearbox from the gun anyways. The entire upper is hollow meaning nothing his holding down the top of the gearbox other than 1 pin at the rear which is insufficient.

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  • 3 months later...
Edit: ICS Sig is compatible with TM mags and Scope mount. Sig 552 will only fit a LiPo in the grip, otherwise you have to use a PEQ. Expect to see ICS Sig accessory announcements in the future.


Anticipated release dates:

M4 Crane Stock = Shipping Now

L86 A2 (LSW) = April/May

FN FNC = First half 2009 (woot)

Sig 550/556 = Pending Further Market Research


That was based with my discussions with them on 12/30. I've got some other related info here for those interested: http://www.airsoftretreat.com/forums/index...topic=63196.325

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