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Exclusive images of the ICS FN FNC


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While I have yet to take a look at the '07 versions all other ICS guns make me cringe when I hear them fire. The first thing that always needs to be done to them is be re shimmed. As pointed out many of their parts are not 100% compatable with othe brands. 80% of the ICS MP5/M4/M16's i've seen had air seal issues that could only be resolved by removing every ICS part from the upper half the gearbox and replacing it. Then the Nozzel doesn't fit the hop up correctly. Their AK is not too bad with the exception of needing re-shimmed and the but plate falling off more than a TM does.

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Good stuff Far East! What worries me slightly is that ICS are developing 3 brand new guns right now is that right? I'm a good multi-tasker, but surely they should be doing one at a time to give them the right amount of R&D? I hope the quality isn't compromised just to get these shipped out and into the marketplace, I think that would be a mistake and you know how critical everyone is if things go wrong!


Btw - ICS rock, I've got an M4A1 and pimped it internally and externally; I'm running a 9.6v battery and stuck a high speed Systena turbo (using the ICS pinion of course) and it's rate of fire with a M100 spring is impressive and kicks out 340-350fps. But if you start arsing around with the internals then yes, things do wear and break - that's airsoft - treat the components as consumables if your going to start tweaking. Parts are easily available and easy to repair! I'm filing down pistons twice a day when I skirmish lol!


(when is the L85 due Far East, you said Christmas did you not?)



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i loooooooove ICS for making an FNC!!! :D:D

but i would really like more details tho...

to bad none is available at the moment

any idea of a release date?

a guess perhaps?:P


i will surely buy one of these when they come out.


but i do hope that it will accept RS furniture..


Fareast: is there any chance that ICS will also release a full stock one ?

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i dont get why theres been some ICS bashing going on... i know you americans like to put big springs in your gearboxes and have away with them, but TBH an ICS gearbox left how it was designed (1J) is A) legal to use in most airsofting countries, B) easy to clean and maintain, C) a good priced AEG in england and D) just as reliable as all the other gearboxes out there which arnt split design. ive heard nothing but good about the latest ICS models and its great how now they have moved away from the popular 3 and are moving into more "unchartered" models such as the SIG and SA80.


ive no intention of buy an FNC because they dont appeal to me, but i like it how ICS have the balls to go ahead and do it.


now if ICS were to make a FAMAS or G11 i would be even more impressed but thats completely off topic.


i look forward to seeing the end result of this, and to see how the gearbox performs.

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Oh dear, this is a major problem for me.

If the stock doesn't wobble and the burst is reliable a split gearbox FNC will make me sell my Star one in an instant.


Plus VFC are doing one too.


I won't be as unique any more. I'll have to get a tattoo on my forehead or something.

Who said anything about burst?

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Calm down, that's the prototype. It's easier and cheaper to make a prototype out of polycarb than metal. The final will probably be metal.

Oh thank God, lol. Scared me for a second. I don't want to have to pay $585 for the Star version, but I don't want a plastic one either... Horray for ICS!


actually I would have to disagree. The ICS gear boxes I have tested have all taken a beating in the field testing. These are both off the shelf guns and also review samples sent.


Yes ICS had teething problems when they moved out of 3rd party accessories and upgrades but the new generation of gear boxes are just as good in reliabilty as Tokyo Marui's. What people don't add into the equations are the silly things people do, like:


Holding down the trigger in full auto to empty a 350rd magazine.

put 12v battery in it to increase the rate of fire.

Making sure the gears are aligned in the split gear box before closing the weapon.

Or they put a 150% spring in it without thinking of upgrading the other parts.


The list is endless, these same people then go on to say "Hey, ICS, TM blah blah blah is rubbish...my gear box imploded!"


Trust me, we test these guns to thier limits, they get passed around the team on skirmish days and they take a real beating. If I had to put my money anywhere apart from TM it would be either ICS or VFC. You can keep your CA and G&G's.

Amen to that.

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I've got a star Fnc and there's no doubt it's a fine gun, but I usually skirmish with my ICS C15 just because of the reliability. It would be fantastic if someone did aftermarket wooden stock and handguard to fit it out more like the original SLR some of us "Older" guys know and loved.

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Yeah I know about the ICS FNC. That's why I wrote what I did. The RS FNC split the handguard into two parts alongside the gun. On Stars FNC the handguards split into three parts, two still on the gun when the third is removed. Not like the RS FNC at all.


The same handguard part that Star has attached to the barrel of THEIR FNC is attached to the FNC upper on that pic aswell. Either is it a Star upper on that pic or ICS is copying Star. It's NOT a RS part I would say...


Sorry for the OT. But since the FNC upper were in those pics I couldn't resist ;-)



This post was moved from this thread:


The pic I' talking about is this one:


My post wasn't moved by me. And my reply seems really silly without being in it's context.

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Dam, looks like the've put the sling holder on the foldable stock like the TYPE 89.

They should put it on the main receiver like the G36, so you can fold it and sling it round your back,

otherwise what happens is that you have to take the sling off to fold the stock otherwisde it opens with the weight.

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Hell yeah!


I always wanted an FNC but never liked STAR mechboxes. I am so glad another company as decided to make one. If the 3 rnd burst is active I will be getting this baby. Something else to add to my foldable stocked weapons list.


Any word on if they are making to series a plastic and a metal body, also will this come in LONG or SHORT or both? If anyone knows.

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Hell yeah!


I always wanted an FNC but never liked STAR mechboxes. I am so glad another company as decided to make one. If the 3 rnd burst is active I will be getting this baby. Something else to add to my foldable stocked weapons list.


Any word on if they are making to series a plastic and a metal body, also will this come in LONG or SHORT or both? If anyone knows.


Yeah, i don't care if there is a burst or not, all i know is that im going to convert into an Swedish AK5 ;P

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