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Pictures of you in the field or at a game

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From the post apoc larp game with airsoft called "Blodsband" in Sweden. 3 day event with 700 people. Pretty much like fallout.   Me and my tribe "Stammen", im the one with feathers in the mask.  

I'm no photoshop expert but I can't help but notice a slight problem here...  

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To be honest, i only use like that for the look... :P I saw one SF operator using like that and i try to do the same look.

If i need to use it... weel, i'm not a fast palyer... i play very wise and slow, so... i'll take my time to pull it back to the knee... of course that i9 count with my team to protect my six!


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



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Please tell me that you dont have to paint that lovely gun


It's not mine, but if the owner wants to play with her without problemas with the law and police... we will paint it!


6000€ fine, weapon confiscated and court of law... it's better to paint!



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Our last game in 2009 !

I'm the one in PMC outfit (2nd from right)




We are in the open field area...great for long weapons.

At the backgroud you can see the heavly wooded area....we can get as close as 7 meters from the enemy without seeing them.



Cheers !!!


Guy on the extreme left, is he wearing that irish DPM, seems to be quite effective

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Team took some pictures at a local indoor CQB facility last night, here's a good one (I thought) of me:




And me and a teammate with our banner (nevermind the funky look on my face... maybe I should have been smiling a bit?):




I know we have more pics of me from the photoshoot (we took like over 400 photos), just have to talk to my friend and get them...

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Kiki what AK74U is that?

It's a Dboys AK74U (steel/wood). Seems pretty cool so far, however I'm probably going to sell it since I'm basically broke...


Kiki that first picture is absolutely awesome. Kudos to whoever took it, due to the perfect capture of you, and everything else blurred.


More pics?

Thanks, my teammate (the photographer) did a pretty awesome job by simply moving the camera as I moved to get good shots. I don't have any others (yet) of just myself, but here are a few of my teammates (I'm sure they won't mind me posting these):








I also posted a few other shots of our team in the Team Photos thread.

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