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STAR L85A2 and L86A2 at Gunners


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Damn it, can't access the star website on work. Anyone care to enlighten me as to what they are saying? On the above link of course.


Star's website dosent work straight away, you have to change a few parts and hope that part on the left dosent break before you can use it :D

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So star say "he aint allowed to sell are products" simply because they are cheaper or is there soemthing else a foot here......


There are a lot of comments about STAR's reliability/materials Guzzihero's SLR springs to mind, hmmm that was bought from gunners though wasn't it (Thats not fair).


But also for balance there are people on here who swear that STAR are a good manufacturer, my SA80 A2 was rock solid but never skirmished with it in anger, too tempted by a SCAR but thats another story.

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i got my SLR from firesupport and i skirmish with it every game and i have had no problems with it what so ever so maybe these cheap stars are rejects from star that this Ares company has re-tooled/reworked?? i dunno i am just saying its possible

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  • 2 weeks later...
You may want to read this before you order anything.



This firm Benny Kong & Yeung represented Magpul as plaintiff in an IP case in Hong Kong on 31 Oct 2008. Unconfirmed sources revealed that the presiding Judge told off Benny Kong for harassing the small time market trader with summon papers several inches thick. The judge apparently directed the case be adjourned sine die.


There is justice in the Hong Kong judicial system.






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guys, seriously, there's been a big thread over this...

STAR doesnt manufacter it's own stuff, gunner just got some pieces direct from the factory, rather then middleman STAR, and thus... they be cheaper....

STAR-AEG-L85A2C Star L85A2 Carbine In Stock US$235.00

STAR-AEG-L85A2 Star L85A2 In Stock US$235.00

STAR-AEG-L86A2 Star L86A2 LSW In Stock US$370.00

STAR-AEG-L85A2AFV Star L85 AFV In Stock US$271.00


Above are the prices from the WGC site. Although the GBP is very weak now, at these prices, why bother with Army Armament!


I bought a G&G L85A2 a few weeks ago. Besides the G&G outer and inner barrels, the rack gear of the piston was chewed up on the first day out. Just like the Army Armament.






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