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Tanaka's Cassiopeia voluntary recall.


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Yes, it seems like Tanaka are recalling all their Cassiopeia revolvers for a product upgrade. Well, if you want to send it back at least.




Seemed like such a good idea, it's just gone from bad to worse for them. I hope they don't give up trying to make this work.


Also, they mentioned numerous problems with the gun. Anyone had any problems with theirs? I'm curious now. Anyone got a working gun, they won't be sending back?

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I think that I'll just hang onto mine. My guess is that they are re-calling them so that they can be destroyed. Really a shame since it is an awesome system.


On a more comical note...


Build a better future to both continue consideration is a vegetarian


...is rather amusing.

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I think that I'll just hang onto mine. My guess is that they are re-calling them so that they can be destroyed. Really a shame since it is an awesome system.


On a more comical note...




...is rather amusing.


Or perhaps to rebuild/refurbush for export outside of Japan?

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謹啓 平素は格別のご高配を賜り、厚く御礼申し上げます。 Dong謹啓賜RI to the good offices of the special, thick appreciate.


また弊社製品には日頃よりご支援を賜り心より御礼申し上げます。 In addition to our products around to help you appreciate more賜RI mind.


さて、この度当社製品S&W M500(カシオペアタイプ)並びにCOLT Well, this time our products S & W M500 (Cassiopeia type) and COLT SAA(カシオペアタイプ)に付きまして、お得意様並びにユーザー様に多大なご迷惑をお掛けいたしました事、心よりお詫び申し上げます。 SAA (type Cassiopeia)付KIMASHI, customers and users a lot of things are sorry for the inconvenience, and we apologize from the heart.


尚、現在流通在庫の回収をお得意様に御願い致しており進行中です。 In addition, the current inventory and distribution to customers of the recall has accepted your request is in progress. さらに大変ご面倒をお掛け致して恐縮で御座いますが、既に小売店様よりユーザー様へ販売されました本件の上記商品を、購入されましたユーザー様より返品をお受け致したく、ユーザー様へのお働きかけをお願い申し上げる次第です。 Very sorry for the trouble you have accepted DE御座IMASU Thank you, from retail stores have already sold more users has been the case for the above products, was purchased by users from致SHITAKU return to the user to I ask you as soon as lobbying.


返品に掛かります返却代金、送料等の諸経費は弊社にてご負担申し上げますので問屋様を通してご請求下さいます様お願い申し上げます。 Takes to return the money returned, shipping and other expenses so that we would pay at your request through a wholesaler like Thank-sive.


返品方法 How to Return


ユーザー様:お買い上げ店様へお持ち下さい、又通信販売の場合もお買い上げ店様へお問い合わせお願い致します。 Users: If you please your dealer-to, or even mail-order contact your dealer to ask for.


小売店様 :諸経費込みで問屋様へご返品お願い致します。 Retailers like: all expenses paid from the wholesaler will ask you to return.



今後共より良い製品造りに精進致す所存ですので、お得意様並びにユーザー様には変わらぬご指導ご鞭撻の程お願い申し上げます。 Build a better future to both continue consideration is a vegetarian, so users as well as customers continued to ask about the guidance you appreciate the encouragement.


ここに重ねてこの度のご迷惑をお掛けいたしましたことお詫び申し上げます。 KONO度here again you will be sorry for inconvenience and we apologize.


謹白 謹白

Vegetarian wut?

thick apreciate.

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Tanaka is just trying to cover their legal asses. The Cassiopeia is fine. Don't give in to the Japanese government's scare mongering / knee jerk reaction to a situation that has been ridiculously blown out of proportion. Most likely because of this, in years to come, the Cassiopeia will be a highly sought after collector's item as the market will have been dried up and the supply has been cut.


The situation is also a classic example of some airsofter publicly making outlandish suggestions about unlikely scenarios that could lead to a persons harm, and the resulting equally idiotic government reaction by running with that BS speculation and ruining a perfectly fine product. Like many have said, you never know who from the government might be anonymously roaming the various airsoft forums out there. We wouldn't want to give them more ammunition to help them take away our beloved hobby.


You'll more likely find harm caused by bludgeoning/pistol whipping than whatever the foolish OP suggested that started all this. Heck, I could go and do that with a stick. "Alert! All sticks must now be recalled. Please send those in too." Absolute idiocy.

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Total idiocy on the part of the Japanese police, but all stupidity aside...


Build a better future to both continue consideration is a vegetarian, so users as well as customers continued to ask about the guidance you appreciate the encouragement.



I agree completely! :mrt:

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Ah, net translators are funny. When i look at airsoft sites through google translator it translates ガン (gun, said "gan") as the same as 癌 (cancer, said "gan")

so theres lots of notices for hand cancers and electric cancers and how amazing they are.


On another note.. boo and hiss to the silly law makers.

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I also agree that these might become desirable because they were banned and possibly even worth more than they originally were (Doubt that though. When has that ever happened with airsoft?). Actually, I suggested it first, and am now greatly offended.


Ha, just kidding. :P





To be fair, I don't really think that any hating on this guy that suggested these can be converted to use gunpowder (if those were his words, realistically if he even exists) isn't really cool. People say things as a joke or things they don't mean all the time. "Big Brother" watching you isn't really a good reason to not say stuff that might be interpreted in a different way than it was intended (which could be pretty much everything). It was a kind of stupid thing to say, but mostly because of its effect.




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I also agree that these might become desirable because they were banned and possibly even worth more than they originally were (Doubt that though. When has that ever happened with airsoft?). Actually, I suggested it first, and am now greatly offended.

Asahi M40? :P

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Redwolf (probably in an attempt to drum up sales) posted this ammendment to their Cassiopeia listing:



Japanese police have deemed this model as illegal. Tanaka has been forced to stop production of this model immediately. As a result, this has immediately become a collector's piece and will surely appreciate in value. See the news here


Listing here.

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