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AAPS will close...bad news


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I read this bad news...

"After a little more than two years of operation, it is with regret that we announce the closing of American Airsoft Practical Shooting (AAPS). Operations will cease on September 30, 2009. From now until the end of September, the Forum will remain accessible to currently registered members. However, no new registrations will be accepted. AAPS dues-paying members will have their membership dues refunded by September 12."





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Its a suprise a practical airsoft pistol shooting organisation existed in a country that allows ownership of real pistols?


Surely the expense of a .22 or 9mm isn't so high that people would need to economise down to airsoft?


Or maybe thats why they're shutting up shop.

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Its a suprise a practical airsoft pistol shooting organisation existed in a country that allows ownership of real pistols?


Surely the expense of a .22 or 9mm isn't so high that people would need to economise down to airsoft?


Or maybe thats why they're shutting up shop.


being from the US, I can say that its much cheaper to shoot a airsoft gun over a real gun. for example 1000 rounds of 5.56 ammo will cost you about $900. this wasn't always the case, but thanks to Obama trying to make it illegal to make your own bullets and also require gun owners to get a federal licensed to buy ammo, he has drove the cost of ammo extremely high. before Obama 1000 rounds of 5.56 was about $100, which was not bad. even with cheap ammo you still have to factor in the cost of the rang fee and travel. I tend to shoot my airsoft guns allot more than my real guns. I can't take a rifle into my back yard and start shooting, but I can take my airsoft. same thing goes for shooting inside my house. airsoft is just cheaper, safer and more practical than a real gun. of course it can get really costly when you start talking custom guns. for example I paid $2,300 for my real KAC SR-15 and paid $2,000 for my GBB SR-15 replica. so when you look at airsoft in that sense, it can be costly, but other than that it a plus all around.

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Even if its not the most major news, its apparent that quite a few people enjoyed it, which makes it a bit of a shame that its closed in my mind anyway.


yep add to that they seem to be refunding any remaining moneys received, compared to a lot of airsoft related closedowns thru the years thats quite refeshing ..I'm now kinda missing something I never knew existed

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I don't know what's going on on that side of the pond, but being as Airsoft is officially recognized by IPSC, airsoft practical shooting competitions should be organized under that existing body. Maybe airsoft shooters have joined IPSC clubs instead?



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"Why? Why are the innocent punished? Why the sacrifice? Why the pain? There aren't any promises. Nothing certain. Only that some get called, some get saved. She won't ever know the hardship and grief for those of us left behind. We commit these bodies to the void with a glad heart. For within each seed, there is a promise of a flower, and within each death, no matter how small, there is always a new life. A new beginning. Amen."

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being from the US, I can say that its much cheaper to shoot a airsoft gun over a real gun. for example 1000 rounds of 5.56 ammo will cost you about $900. this wasn't always the case, but th anks to Obama trying to make it illegal to make your own bullets and also require gun owners to get a federal licensed to buy ammo, he has drove the cost of ammo extremely high. before Obama 1000 rounds of 5.56 was about $100, which was not bad. even with cheap ammo you still have to factor in the cost of the rang fee and travel. I tend to shoot my airsoft guns allot more than my real guns. I can't take a rifle into my back yard and start shooting, but I can take my airsoft. same thing goes for shooting inside my house. airsoft is just cheaper, safer and more practical than a real gun. of course it can get really costly when you start talking custom guns. for example I paid $2,300 for my real KAC SR-15 and paid $2,000 for my GBB SR-15 replica. so when you look at airsoft in that sense, it can be costly, but other than that it a plus all around.


thats not true at all..

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thats not true at all..



it is and it is not. the price of guns and ammunition has increased since he was elected, that is a stone hard, indisputable fact. everything else is just speculation. I am not aware of any permits required to purchase ammunition except in the states that required permits to own weapons anyway like new york. Also, paranoia(no matter how justified) over impending gun laws has caused these price hikes to the best of my knowledge. tell everyone there is going to be a drought and the price of water will go up. simple supply and demand. don't get me wrong though, obamas still a douche. Any way, as far as price disparity goes, you cant compare airsoft to real weapons, its apple and oranges. even the lowliest calibers and cheapest ammo cost more per round than the highest quality bbs. Besides, as far as we know the site going down has nothing to do with any of this, the best way to find out, obviously, would be to ask one of their reps.

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big bri, not sure what you are talking about. you are paying about 30% more for your ammo than most here in the states and no new federal gun laws have been passed since obama was elected. IPSC is indeed adding an airsoft (or as they term it low velocity air gun) division. Why? Because airsoft guns can be used in competition more easily by kids, you don't need special facilities to shoot them (no ballistic backdrops, bullet catches and other safety other than goggles for participants and spectators. And it is cheaper to get a kid an airsoft pistol than a real gun, and requires no licensing. It is too bad these guys are closing because now when IPSC comes to their areas they will have a harder time organizing matches. (I say their areas because they don't have any official representation in Western Washington State.)

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for example 1000 rounds of 5.56 ammo will cost you about $900. this wasn't always the case, but thanks to Obama trying to make it illegal to make your own bullets and also require gun owners to get a federal licensed to buy ammo, he has drove the cost of ammo extremely high. before Obama 1000 rounds of 5.56 was about $100, which was not bad.


Umm... Just for the record...


Obama hasn't done anything like that (yet!). It's exactly this type of "Oh noes! Teh sky is falling!" hyperbole that has helped keep ammo prices so high. However, as I point out below, it isn't the only contibuting factor...


And as for 5.56 being $100/1000rds - it hasn't been that cheap since the late-'90s (when congress outlawed the sale of military surplus ammo on the civilian market)!!!


Even 8 years ago, if you could find 1000 rounds for $200 it was a steal and you bought up as much as you could. Since then, the prices for brass and copper have climbed significantly and the wars have depleted military stores (causing military demand for available production to increase, leaving less commercial ammo production available). Even .22 ammo increased about 150% in price between 2000 and 2007 ($9/1000rd case -> $12/450rd brick). Two years ago decent 5.56 (read as; NOT that laquered Wolf cr@p) was costing almost $500/1000rnds. Since then - brass and copper have continued to climb in price, the military is still buying/using a lot of ammo, and everyone is hoarding what ammo thay can get (afeared the gubment gonna take their bullits!) - so the laws of supply and demand have resulted in sky-high ammo prices.


And no, I'm not an Obama-ton (pronounced like "automaton")... I'm just a realist.


Edit: P.S. you got ripped off paying $2300 for a KAC... Mine was about half that price (bought new in 2002) and I know a couple people who've picked up very lightly used ones in the past couple years for <$1500 :P

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being from the US, I can say that its much cheaper to shoot a airsoft gun over a real gun. for example 1000 rounds of 5.56 ammo will cost you about $900.


If I may jump in.


I think you are making a gross over estimation. I live in California, a state known for being very Draconian in terms of gun laws. I can still get 1000 rounds of 5.56 for abut $350-$400.

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I can get 1000 rounds of .22 for $10, and 50 9mm for the same price, however right now 5.56 is ridiculously expensive due to the war, and people buying it up put of fear of the loss of the ability to buy it same with 7.62x35. It's the same reason why AKs, M4s, and other assault weapons have gone up 1.5x original value, people are afraid Obama will ban them.


In all honesty the people who would be involved in ISPC would be more likely to do it with RS than with airsoft. I always shot airsoft when I did ISPC, but that was only because I had no place to safely store a RS pistol, and thus refused to buy one.

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being from the US, I can say that its much cheaper to shoot a airsoft gun over a real gun. for example 1000 rounds of 5.56 ammo will cost you about $900. this wasn't always the case, but thanks to Obama trying to make it illegal to make your own bullets and also require gun owners to get a federal licensed to buy ammo, he has drove the cost of ammo extremely high. before Obama 1000 rounds of 5.56 was about $100, which was not bad. even with cheap ammo you still have to factor in the cost of the rang fee and travel. I tend to shoot my airsoft guns allot more than my real guns. I can't take a rifle into my back yard and start shooting, but I can take my airsoft. same thing goes for shooting inside my house. airsoft is just cheaper, safer and more practical than a real gun. of course it can get really costly when you start talking custom guns. for example I paid $2,300 for my real KAC SR-15 and paid $2,000 for my GBB SR-15 replica. so when you look at airsoft in that sense, it can be costly, but other than that it a plus all around.



I heard he was a muslim terrorist extremist who wants to brainwash us with his Socialist views and who got sworn in on the Q'oran too



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I heard he was a muslim terrorist extremist who wants to brainwash us with his Socialist views and who got sworn in on the Q'oran too



Don't be ridiculous... Everyone knows the lizard people from Omega3 (who are here to enslave humanity in the guise of world leaders) aren't muslim!


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