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G&G M14


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well if TM is too add anything special to their M14 it got to be the word tactical on the box its shiped in.. or perhaps some vinyl coated plastic parts that will break on you the very first time your weapon see daylight.

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ok, I may be tempted by one of these afterall...was going to resist, but those pictures (other than the truly bizarre baby picture) have converted me...


and it would go soooo well with my retro US scout look...


back to the baby picture- shall we have a caption competition? winner gets a free bag of air :)


"If my nappy doesn't get changed soon, there's going to be trouble..."


*in the home of Zak and Stacy-Ann HillBilly...*


"aarrrwwhh, Lookit Zak, lil Clem just shot his first trespasser..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just been over to Renegade Recon, and the MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) is $590, and is apparantly on target to be released at the end of March, so at least it means the M14 won't become as popular as you are all dreading it will be.

Heres the direct link with new photos:





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and G&G always charge more for their AEGs- look at the cost of their m4 range, but then, I guess you're paying for the magnesium diecast body, or something.


$600 for the m14 will deter an awful lot of people until it can be proved it is going to be great out of the box.


certainly I shan't be entertaining the prospect of getting one for quite some time- indeed, I'd probably have to move back to the UK before I considered spending tht much...

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I think that those who are charging ahead with M1 and M14 products are severly mislead. These products should be affortable. For example the Smokeys M1 and Hudson M21, why will anyone bother? Marushin's M1 seems to be on the right track, I guess G&Gs M-14 may end up cheaper though. If you look on Redwolfs description of the GR-16 range, they qoute higer MSRP prices.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would assume that as well, and since it only appears to be TM that ###### about with their release dates so much I reckon that G&G must have got their predictions right. Seems TM, even though I know they don't give a flying *fruitcage* about the western market, are going to be beaten by a better product (most probably).



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