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About bladerunner168

  • Rank
    Datz iz fool metallz, pewpewpew

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  • Airsofter since
  • Most likely to say
    Dude, where's my gun?
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Location
    London, UK
  • Interests
    MotoGP, Good Music, Airsoft, Fat People, dumb action films & posh mucky birds. Not in this order though.

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  1. Nova kit, Statement Defense
  2. Well, the P's grip safety doesn't actually work but it's not quite sloppy flips out though.
  3. It's amazing how shiny "Tan/FDE" can become.....
  4. Inspired by my brief adventures in Tarkov.
  5. I agree, 100% on the outside but......
  6. No, pre built by Red Wolf, it was ridiculously expensive originally but I was in HK last month and there was a sale in Bang Bang so I treated myself. Not worth the price in my opinion, for example, the recoil spring was still stock. https://www.bangbang.com.hk/collections/rwa-airsoft-surgeon/products/rwa-nighthawk-custom-agent-1
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