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Thank you ( although I am not an environmentalist)

Windmill power

solar mirrors


Same thing applies to wind turbines BTW. They actually produce quite a bit of electricity BUT it takes many times more energy to build one.

Wind turbines are a big con they're not there to generate electricity in an environmental way. They're there as an investment for the companies who buy them.

They spend the money, set up the wind farms and then rake in the profits for years to come.

They don't worry that producing the turbines has used the same amount of energy that the entire wind farm will generate in about 300 years!


Like I said mate, we is screwed.

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There is no perfect way to generate energy, guys. Hydrogen is created by the burning of hydrocarbons, more specifically natural gas. Is that cleaner that coal though, of which the vast majority of electricity worldwide is generated from? Most likely, yes. Steel takes energy created by unclean methods to make your windmills, but is the end result a clean power production method? Sure. By using electric cars, you're using no more gasoline. It comes from the power plants in the area. So, instead of several million machines (and refineries) making pollution, you have a LOT less power plants making a LOT less pollution (and don't kid yourself, gasoline engines literally generate tons of toxic gases). As of now we can only reduce pollution, not eliminate it. It doesn't mean give up completely.


We'll have fusion sooner or later...but even then, how would we make Hydrogen efficiently?

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I am suprised fusion was not in the discussion. not a perfected technology currently but clearly on the horizion. that will generate tremendous amounts of energy for less resources then anything else. of course you must build the thing which i am sure some will claim will use more energy then initial plants will turn out but such a thing would be a transitional period for evolving technology


now if you want to go even further lets talk anitmatter and the energy potential of hydrogen atoms :D

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Maybe someone has offered this already, but one of the inherent problems with bio-fuels is growing the 'fuel' crops in the first place. We already have over-used and over-cultivated lands from growing the current mix of marketable food crops in areas of the US, Canada and Europe and I guess even South America, add to that shrinking growing areas due to climate change, and then what do you think will happen when over time the 'cash' crop becomes what is used in Biofuels? (Corn, Sugar Cane, Sugar Beets)


Already struggling farmers will have obvious financial incentive to grow the crop that yields the best return on investment, thereby decreasing the supply of and increasing the cost of essential food.


As well, one of the main 'goals' of Biofuels was not only to provide an alternative renewable energy source, but to also provide a environmentally safe energy source, many reports show that Biofuels actually create as much carbon as they save and in fact increase greenhouse gasses.


Talk about conspiracy-theories, it has been said that the whole Biofuel thing was started by Agro-group funded research to find a way for farmers to make more off their land than they do growing food crops. :o







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Fair one guiness, but the crop issues could be solved by bringing water to some of the arid regions of the world, such as central africa. Their isnt a 100% problem free alternative, so we must reduce the amount of energy we each use, properly insulating your home, and using your car as little as possible are good starters, but unless we do something drastic we will either run out of any type of fuel or fry from increased UV radiation levels. Unless of course GWOT takes a turn for the worse and moves on N Korea with their China/Russia (Nuclear)allies.

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Precisely, I can't believe we're buying into this ###### about climate change.


Spending millions and millions trying to stop something perfectly natural when alot of people on this planet dont even have water, food or a roof over their heads.





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Thank you ( although I am not an environmentalist)

Windmill power

solar mirrors


:rolleyes: Then you have to make those solar panels and windmills.


Lets be perfectly honest, your going to create a heck of alot of "environmental" problems just creating them, then you'll need enough solar panels to provide the needed output of a large percentage of the country.


Wind power, yes the most brilliant idea ever, lets stick them anywhere, sorry but not everyone is going to like the idea of having a wind turbine stuck outside there house.


We have alot of them stretched across the river thames, and as far as i'm concerned, there the biggest waste of money ever.



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:rolleyes: Then you have to make those solar panels and windmills.


Lets be perfectly honest, your going to create a heck of alot of "environmental" problems just creating them, then you'll need enough solar panels to provide the needed output of a large percentage of the country.


Wind power, yes the most brilliant idea ever, lets stick them anywhere, sorry but not everyone is going to like the idea of having a wind turbine stuck outside there house.


We have alot of them stretched across the river thames, and as far as i'm concerned, there the biggest waste of money ever.


To quote myself this is already a known factor:


The environmentalist argument has never been that renewable sources have no environmental impact. The question is how it stacks up relatively against other methods of producing power.


Up here the tyre factory in Dundee has two wind turbines that it uses and I think they add something rather nice to the city skyline. NIMBYs exist everywhere against anything and shouldn't be held up as a reason not to do something!

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On the more general topic of global warming, I think we're being conned on a number of levels.


Firstly, the planet is coming out of an ice-age. Is it any surprise temperatures are going up?

We've had ice-ages before, and the subsequent warm periods, despite not having any industrialisation at the time.

Suggesting that rubber-band powered cars will halt global warming is like telling somebody to take a "miracle pill" then spend 2 days in bed to get rid of a cold.

In both cases (the rubber-band powered car and the miracle pill) the solution is a placebo and, basically, things are going to work out the same whatever you do.


Secondly, if the governments are serious about actually saving the planet, what f**king use is taxing us more for energy use?

On the assumption that I'm right about the causes of global warming, taxing people for their energy use is about as legitimate as taxing us to make the sun come up in the morning.

The main point, however is that it's corrupt of a government to say "You're screwing up the planet so pay us more to allow you to do it".

If they're serious about the issue then how about they simply switch off half the power stations in the country for 3 days a week?

Ah, but that would create chaos, destroy industry and ruin lives.

Oh, sod that. It's far less hassle to just make half-hearted pleas for people to save energy while, at the same time, gouging more money out of people in "environmental taxes".


If Gordon Brown reads this, be prepared for the new "sun tax" coming soon. <_<

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On the more general topic of global warming, I think we're being conned on a number of levels.


Firstly, the planet is coming out of an ice-age. Is it any surprise temperatures are going up?

We've had ice-ages before, and the subsequent warm periods, despite not having any industrialisation at the time.


Your premise is at best wonky.


Have a read of this:


Climate myths: It's been far warmer in the past, what's the big deal?

Climate myths: We are simply recovering from the Little Ice Age


The whole article is a great resource for info:


Climate change: A guide for the perplexed

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My view on Global Warming is quite simple - I don't give a *beep*. I do not care in the slightest. Not one iota.


Don't get me wrong, I don't go round dumping rubbish by the side of the road (as that would only serve to make my neighbourhood look untidy) or leave lights blazing away in the house when I'm out (I turn them off to save my electricity bill) but other than that - Don't care.

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Dunno about that.


Comments such as "Nor does the fact that it has been warmer in the past mean that future warming is nothing to worry about. The sea level has been tens of metres higher during past warm periods, enough to submerge most major cities around the world" seem to suggest that we are, in fact, stuffed irrespective of what we do.


Dunno if you missed it but that was my point.

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Dunno about that.


Comments such as "Nor does the fact that it has been warmer in the past mean that future warming is nothing to worry about. The sea level has been tens of metres higher during past warm periods, enough to submerge most major cities around the world" seem to suggest that we are, in fact, stuffed irrespective of what we do.


Dunno if you missed it but that was my point.




Yes but we CAN do something about it. Thats the whole point of the series of articles busting the common myths. It does require more than a two minute flick through! Also the articles disprove the very premise you based your original point on; that climate change isn't caused by human emissions.


Climate myths: We can't do anything about climate change


The old adage "You can take a horse to water but you can't make him drink" has never been so true. :)

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Yes but we CAN do something about it.


Yeah. Move before your home becomes an aquarium.


Meanwhile, it's predicted that the water will stop right around the Buffalo area in New York state...so I'll be enjoying my ocean view soon enough.


People on the west coast of the US are going to have it rough...water would go right up to the Rocky Mountains.

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Damm Chimpy you beat me to it mentioning the "little ice age," however the fact that it ended not so long after the start of the industrial revolutionsays to me that nature may be getting a helping hand with the temperature change, but then again the fact that the only evidence for this cooling is in europe suggests that this was a localised event and it could all be a bag of ######s. At the end of the day we just don't know.


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The old adage "You can take a horse to water but you can't make him drink" has never been so true. :)

I do apologise for not having the same POV as you. I'll try harder next time.

In the mean time, perhaps you could keep busy by expanding your interests to include other responses beyond mine?

It gets a little old having you continually debating everything I say while failing to address points made by anybody with the same POV.


At the end of the day we just don't know.

Chimpy does, now hush. :rolleyes:

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